Sunday, February 24, 2019

5:19 PM

Intimation U/S 143(1) of Income Tax Act AY:2018-19

Please find attached the Income tax Intimation U/S 143(1) for PAN xxxxxxxx with respect to the return of income filed by you for the Assessment Year 2018-19.

        The attachment is password protected.  To open the attachment, please enter your PAN in lower case and date of birth in case of individual tax payers / date of incorporation for non-individual tax payers in DDMMYYYY format without any space between the PAN and date fields.  For example, if your PAN is ABCDE1234A and date of birth /incorporation is January 1, 1985 then the password will be abcde1234a01011985. The date of birth / incorporation should be same as furnished to the Department and available in the Income Tax Department PAN master (as printed on the PAN card).

             The digital intimation is authenticated by a digital signature obtained from a certifying authority under the Information Technology Act, 2000. To know the process of validation of digital signature, please click here

Deputy Commissioner of  Income Tax, CPC

Note:Income Tax Department does not seek any tax payer information like user name, password, details of ATM, credit cards, etc. Tax payers are advised not to part with such information on the basis of emails.

You paid all your tax dues and filed your return in time; yet you have received a notice under section 143(1) in your mailbox? Don’t worry, let’s help you understand this notice sent under section 143(1) by the income tax department as well as explain what suitable action can be taken to address it.

Review a few things to make sure this document pertains to your return

Check your name & address and PAN number
Check the Assessment Year (AY) for which the notice has been sent. The AY is 2015-16 for return filed for income earned in Financial Year (FY) 2014-15.
Check your e-filing acknowledgement number

Understanding Notice under section 143(1)

Notice or intimation under section 143(1) is a computer generated record. The income tax department validates each tax return with its own record and this notice usually only points out apparent mistakes found out by the system.

This intimation has two columns ‘As provided by taxpayer in the Return of Income’ and ‘As computed under section 143(1)’ where the amounts are compared for these – income under various heads and deductions, TDS and self tax payments. You can run through each of these amounts and find out where the discrepancy is. It could be that a certain TDS has been disallowed or there is a mismatch in self-assessment tax payments, a rounding off error. A final tax due or refundable is comp

When there is no mismatch

Its likely that all of the fields are matching and there is no tax due or refundable – in such a case you can safely assume the intimation to be an acknowledgement of your tax return. No further action is required from your side.

When there is a final tax due and you agree with it

You need to make payment of this tax due to the income tax department. Read how a payment can be made – here. Once you make a payment of the tax due, no further action is required from your end.

Where there is a final tax due and you do not agree with it

One of the situations where this arises is when a certain TDS has been disallowed. Or a self-assessment tax payment has not been considered. If you do not agree with the final calculations done by the department, you need to file a rectification under section 154(1). This can be done by – Log on to e-Filing application and GO TO –> My Account –> Rectification request. You can also reach out to your assessing officer and submit an application in writing.

This Email is system generated. Please do not reply to this email ID.  For any queries, please call CPC on telephone number 1800-1034455 (Toll Free) or 080-46605200 and quote the Communication Reference Number mentioned in the Intimation.

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