ChatGPT: The Revolutionary AI Bot That's Transforming Industries

  •  ChatGPT, a conversational artificial intelligence platform developed by OpenAI, has gained significant attention and investment, with over $1.7 billion invested in AI solutions since 2020.
  • ChatGPT allows users to engage in conversations with AI bots, posing questions or prompts to receive quick responses.
  • The software has sparked controversy as students have been using it to cheat on homework, leading to bans on its use in educational institutions in France, the US, and India.
  • ChatGPT's capabilities extend beyond education, with concerns raised about its potential impact on various sectors, such as law and content writing.
  • While the technology has limitations and is still a work in progress, it highlights the need to establish ethical and legal boundaries for AI applications.


In recent years, a technological marvel has emerged that is poised to revolutionize how we interact with artificial intelligence (AI). It's called ChatGPT, a conversational AI platform developed by OpenAI. With its ability to engage in chat-like conversations, answer queries, and generate text, ChatGPT has garnered immense attention and investment, attracting over $1.7 billion in funding since 2020. In this article, we delve into the capabilities of ChatGPT and explore the profound impact it is having on various sectors.

Unleashing the Power of Conversational AI:

ChatGPT, short for generative pre-trained Transformer, takes the concept of AI interaction to a whole new level. By allowing users to communicate with AI bots through natural language prompts, it enables seamless conversations, providing quick and accurate responses. The possibilities seem endless – from writing essays and emails, solving math problems, to even simulating the roles of teachers and lawyers.

Educational Controversy:

However, with great power comes great responsibility. ChatGPT's rise has been met with controversy, particularly in the education sector. Students have been exploiting the software to cheat on homework, leading to bans on its usage in schools and colleges in countries like France, the United States, and India. The ease with which it can generate comprehensive and grammatically sound content has raised concerns about academic integrity and the need for ethical boundaries.

Disrupting Various Industries:

Beyond education, ChatGPT is disrupting multiple industries. Legal professionals fear its potential to offer law services and potentially replace human jobs. Remarkably, ChatGPT even took an MBA exam at the prestigious Wharton School of Business, scoring a commendable B grade. In the field of content writing, it already excels at producing high-quality content within seconds, raising questions about the future of human writers.

Limitations and Ethical Concerns:

While ChatGPT showcases remarkable capabilities, it is important to acknowledge its limitations. The software relies on the information available up until 2021, making it two years behind current developments. Additionally, it lacks the ability to verify the accuracy of the content it generates. Human intervention is still necessary for tasks such as fact-checking and ensuring responsible use of the technology.

Building Ethical Boundaries:

The rise of ChatGPT prompts us to reflect on the ethical and legal boundaries surrounding AI technology. As it continues to evolve and become more powerful, it is crucial for individuals and institutions to work together to ensure responsible deployment. Collaborative efforts can help establish guidelines, address concerns about misinformation, and prevent unintended consequences.

The Future of ChatGPT:

The journey of ChatGPT is far from over. OpenAI has been on a hiring spree, building a vast data bank to enhance the bot's capabilities, including learning how to code. Although the technology may face challenges and setbacks, its potential impact on society cannot be overlooked. It serves as a reminder that we must approach AI with caution, striving to leverage its potential while safeguarding against misuse and unintended outcomes.


ChatGPT has emerged as a game-changer in the field of conversational AI, captivating the imagination of users and investors alike. With its ability to engage in chat-based conversations, provide accurate information, and generate text, ChatGPT is transforming industries and raising important questions about ethics and responsibility. As we navigate this AI revolution, it is imperative that we work towards establishing ethical boundaries to ensure the responsible use and deployment of this groundbreaking technology.

'Queen of Rock 'n' Roll' Tina Turner Dies at 83

Iconic rock singer Tina Turner, often referred to as the 'queen of rock 'n' roll,' passed away on Wednesday at the age of 83. A representative confirmed that the legendary musician died peacefully at her home in Kusnacht, near Zurich, Switzerland, after a long illness. Turner's remarkable career and enduring impact on the music industry will forever be remembered.

Turner rose to prominence with her chart-topping hit "What's Love Got to Do With It," a song that solidified her status as a cultural icon. With her electrifying stage presence, spiky blonde hair, short skirts, and stiletto heels, she became a symbol of 1980s style and female empowerment. Her mesmerizing performances on red carpets and stages captivated audiences around the world.

The singer's success extended beyond her dynamic stage presence. Turner garnered numerous accolades throughout her career, including eight Grammy Awards, six of which were won during the 1980s. She etched her name in music history with her powerful vocals, energetic performances, and timeless hits that resonated with fans across generations.

However, Turner's journey was not without challenges. She endured a tumultuous and abusive relationship with Ike Turner, who discovered her talent when she grabbed the mic at a St. Louis club at the age of 17. Ike gave her the stage name "Tina Turner," and the two later married in Mexico. Their marriage was marked by physical and emotional abuse, which Tina courageously spoke about in the following years. The couple's divorce was finalized in 1978.

In 1984, Turner released her biggest album, "Private Dancer," which became a global sensation and solidified her status as a music legend. With over 200 million records sold in total, Turner's impact on the music industry cannot be overstated. She paved the way for future generations of female artists and inspired countless individuals with her incredible talent and resilience.

In her personal life, Turner found happiness and stability with German music executive Irwin Bach. They met in 1985 and eventually married, leading Tina to relinquish her U.S. citizenship and become a citizen of Switzerland. After retiring from the spotlight, Turner faced various health issues and experienced the tragic loss of two sons.

Tina Turner leaves behind a remarkable legacy that transcends the boundaries of music. Her fearless spirit, unmatched stage presence, and powerful voice will continue to inspire and uplift generations to come. As the world mourns the loss of this legendary artist, we remember and celebrate the indomitable spirit of the 'queen of rock 'n' roll.'

Rest in peace, Tina Turner. Your music will forever resonate in our hearts.

Understanding Domain Names and How to Choose the Right One


A domain name is an essential component of any website. It acts as the address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that people use to access a specific website on the internet. In this article, we will explore what a domain name is, its importance, and provide guidance on how to choose the right domain name for your website.

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is a unique, human-readable identifier that represents a specific website. It consists of two main parts: the name of the website and the domain extension. For example, in the domain name "," "hostinger" is the website name, and ".com" is the domain extension. The domain extension helps categorize websites based on their purpose or type, such as .com for commercial websites, .org for non-profit organizations, and .edu for educational institutions.

Importance of Choosing the Right Domain Name:

A well-chosen domain name can have a significant impact on your website's success. Here are a few reasons why selecting the right domain name is crucial:

Branding: A domain name can serve as a branding tool, representing your website's identity and purpose. It should be easy to remember, relevant to your content or business, and align with your brand image.

Credibility: A professional-looking domain name enhances your website's credibility and trustworthiness. Users tend to perceive websites with a custom domain as more reputable and reliable.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Including relevant keywords in your domain name can positively impact your website's visibility in search engine results, making it easier for users to find you.

User Experience: A concise and intuitive domain name makes it easier for visitors to type, remember, and share your website. It contributes to a positive user experience, encouraging repeat visits and word-of-mouth recommendations.

Choosing the Right Domain Name:

Selecting the perfect domain name requires careful consideration. Here are some tips to help you choose a suitable domain name for your website:

Reflect your brand: Incorporate your brand name or relevant keywords into the domain to establish a strong connection between your website and its purpose.

Keep it concise and memorable: Shorter domain names are generally easier to remember and type. Avoid using complicated words, numbers, or hyphens that may confuse or discourage users.

Consider the domain extension: Depending on your website's purpose, choose a domain extension that aligns with your goals. While .com is the most widely recognized and sought-after extension, alternatives like .org or .net may be more appropriate for specific niches.

Conduct a domain availability check: Use domain name search tools provided by domain registrars like Hostinger to check if your desired domain name is available. If it's already taken, consider alternative variations or extensions.

Protect your brand: To safeguard your brand identity, consider registering similar domain names and extensions to prevent others from capitalizing on your success or causing confusion among users.

Registering Your Domain Name:

Once you have chosen your domain name, the next step is to register it with a domain registrar. A domain registrar is a company that manages the reservation and registration of domain names. They facilitate the connection between your domain name and your website's IP address. Hostinger is an example of a domain registrar that offers both web hosting services and domain name registration, making it a convenient one-stop solution.

During the registration process, you will need to provide accurate contact information and select a registration period. Domain names are typically registered on an annual basis, although longer-term options may be available.


In summary, a domain name is a crucial element in establishing an online presence. It serves as the address for your website, representing your brand and allowing users to find and access your content. By selecting a well-chosen domain name, you can enhance your website's credibility, improve user experience, and contribute to its overall success. Remember to choose a domain name that reflects your brand, is memorable, and aligns with your website's purpose. Once chosen, register your domain name with a reputable domain registrar to secure your online identity and make your website accessible to the world.

Hosting a Website in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide with Hostinger


In today's digital age, having a website is essential for businesses, individuals, and organizations to establish an online presence. Hosting a website involves making it accessible on the internet. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of hosting a website using the popular web hosting provider, Hostinger.

Choosing the Right Hosting Provider:

When it comes to hosting your website, selecting the right web hosting provider is crucial. Hostinger stands out as an affordable and user-friendly option suitable for both beginners and experienced webmasters. It offers a wide range of hosting options, including regular web hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, and VPS hosting, ensuring that you can find the perfect solution for your needs.

Signing Up and Selecting a Hosting Plan:

To get started with Hostinger, you need to sign up for an account. Visit Hostinger's website and follow the registration process, taking advantage of any available discounts or promotional codes. During the sign-up process, you will be prompted to choose a hosting plan. For beginners, shared web hosting is recommended. Hostinger's shared hosting plans provide a free domain and offer an excellent starting point for building your website.

Registering a Domain Name:

A domain name is the web address that people use to find your website. During the sign-up process, Hostinger will prompt you to register a domain name. Choose a domain name that is unique, memorable, and represents your website's content. If you already have a domain name registered with another provider, Hostinger allows you to connect it to your hosting account seamlessly.

Managing Your Hosting Account:

Once you have signed in to your Hostinger account, you will have access to the user-friendly control panel known as hpanel. This control panel serves as the central hub for managing your website. From the hpanel, you can handle various aspects, including managing files, databases, and email accounts. Hostinger's hpanel is designed to simplify the process and provide an intuitive interface for users.

Installing and Customizing Your Website:

The next step is to install a content management system (CMS) to build and manage your website. Hostinger offers an excellent feature called Auto Installer, allowing you to install popular CMS platforms such as WordPress, WooCommerce, and Joomla with just one click. WordPress is widely preferred due to its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin ecosystem.

After installing WordPress, you can log into your WordPress dashboard and start customizing your website. Explore different themes and choose one that suits your website's purpose. Hostinger offers both free and premium themes, and you can further enhance your website's functionality by installing plugins. Popular plugins like All in One SEO and Elementor can help you optimize your website for search engines and customize its appearance without coding.

Setting Up Email Accounts:

Creating a professional email address associated with your domain name adds credibility to your website. Hostinger allows you to set up email accounts easily through its control panel. You can choose between a free email account or opt for a business email account for added benefits, such as increased storage and advanced features. Managing your email accounts through Hostinger's control panel is straightforward and convenient.

Connecting Your Domain to Hosting Account:

If you registered your domain separately from Hostinger, you need to connect it to your hosting account. This step involves updating the domain's name servers. Hostinger provides the necessary name servers, which you can find in your hpanel or welcome email. Simply navigate to your domain registrar's website, locate the DNS or name servers settings, and replace the existing name servers with the ones provided by Hostinger.

Testing and Maintaining Your Website:

After completing the setup process, it is essential to test your website to ensure it is functioning correctly. Open your website in different web browsers and on various devices to check for any inconsistencies or issues. Regularly updating your WordPress installation is vital for maintaining the security and performance of your website. Hostinger makes it easy to update WordPress through the control panel, ensuring you have the latest features and security patches.


By following this comprehensive guide, you can successfully host your website using Hostinger as your web hosting provider. Hostinger's affordability, user-friendly features, and extensive hosting options make it an excellent choice for individuals and businesses looking to establish an online presence. Remember that building a great website takes time and effort, so be patient and enjoy the journey. With Hostinger's support and the tools at your disposal, you can create a professional and engaging website that effectively represents your brand or ideas on the internet.

Understanding the Costs of Web Hosting


Web hosting is a crucial aspect of building a website, but many people are unsure about the actual costs involved. In this article, we will explore the pricing of web hosting services, focusing on a popular provider called Hostinger. By understanding the different hosting options and their associated costs, you can make an informed decision that suits your needs and budget.

The Role of Hosting Providers:

The cost of web hosting varies depending on the hosting provider you choose. Different providers offer various features, performance levels, and customer support, which contribute to the overall pricing structure. Hostinger, known for its value-driven approach, provides a range of hosting options suitable for different types of websites.

Shared Web Hosting:

Shared web hosting is the most affordable and beginner-friendly option. It is ideal for small businesses, personal blogs, and hobby websites. Hostinger's shared hosting plans start at $1.99 per month, with three pricing tiers: Single, Premium, and Business. Choosing a longer-term plan, such as two or three years, can save you more money as renewal rates are usually higher.

VPS Hosting:

For websites with high traffic or resource-intensive applications, VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting offers more resources and greater control. Hostinger's VPS hosting plans start at $3.99 per month and can go up to $77.99 per month, depending on the level of resources required. VPS hosting is suitable for growing websites and those in need of scalability and power.

Cloud Hosting:

Cloud hosting is a scalable and powerful option, perfect for growing websites, e-commerce stores, and high-traffic sites. Hostinger's cloud hosting plans start at $9.99 per month, offering increased flexibility and reliability. The Cloud Professional and Enterprise plans, priced at $14.99 and $29.99 per month respectively, cater to websites with higher resource demands. Remember that renewal rates might be higher than the initial promotional prices.

Hostinger's Cost-Effective Approach:

While Hostinger is considered a premium hosting provider, it stands out by providing affordable plans to cater to various budget levels. Unlike many other premium hosts, Hostinger gives users the option to choose a cheaper plan without compromising essential features and quality. Furthermore, all hosting plans are backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring customer satisfaction.


Understanding the costs of web hosting is essential for making an informed decision about the right hosting provider and plan for your website. Hostinger offers a range of hosting options, from shared hosting to VPS and cloud hosting, catering to different needs and budgets. By assessing your requirements and considering factors such as pricing, features, and scalability, you can choose a hosting plan that suits your website's needs while staying within your budget.

A Comprehensive Guide to Web Hosting: Understanding its Importance and Types


Web hosting plays a crucial role in making websites accessible on the Internet. Whether you're a beginner or familiar with web hosting, this guide will provide you with a clear understanding of its importance and the various types available. By the end, you'll have the knowledge to choose the right web hosting solution for your needs.

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible on the Internet. It provides the necessary infrastructure and support to store website files and make them available to users worldwide. Websites are created using coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and are stored on servers connected to the internet.

Importance of Web Hosting:

Web hosting is essential for several reasons:

Accessibility: It ensures that your website is available and can be accessed by users anytime, anywhere.

Reliability: A reliable web hosting service minimizes downtime and ensures your website remains operational.

Security: Web hosts offer security measures to protect your website from cyber threats and data breaches.

Technical Support: Hosting providers offer technical assistance to resolve any issues and keep your website running smoothly.

Scalability: Web hosting allows for the flexible allocation of resources, enabling your website to handle increased traffic and growth.

Types of Web Hosting:

There are several types of web hosting, each catering to different needs:

Shared Hosting: Affordable and suitable for small businesses or personal websites with low traffic. Multiple websites share resources on a single server.

VPS Hosting: Provides greater control and flexibility. Websites are hosted on virtual servers, offering dedicated resources and increased server control.

Dedicated Hosting: Offers the highest level of control and resources. A website has its own physical server, ideal for large businesses or high-traffic websites.

Cloud Hosting: Utilizes a network of interconnected servers to host websites. It offers scalability and flexibility, automatically adjusting resources based on website demand.

E-commerce Hosting: Specifically designed for hosting online stores, providing features and tools necessary for e-commerce functionality.

WordPress Hosting: Optimized for WordPress websites, offering specialized features to enhance performance and security.

Choosing the Right Web Hosting Provider:

Consider the following factors when selecting a web hosting provider:

Traffic and Resource Requirements: Assess the expected traffic and resource needs of your website to ensure the hosting plan can handle it.

Control and Support: Determine the level of control and technical support you require. Some hosts offer varying levels of service, so choose accordingly.

Specialized Hosting: If you have specific requirements like e-commerce or WordPress hosting, look for providers offering specialized hosting services.

Reliability and Uptime: Research the hosting provider's reliability and uptime guarantees to ensure your website remains accessible to users consistently.

Pricing and Reviews: Compare pricing plans and read reviews to find a reputable provider that fits your budget and offers reliable services.

Recommended Web Hosting Providers:

Two highly recommended web hosting providers are Hostinger and Bluehost:

Hostinger: Known for its reliability and affordability, Hostinger offers various hosting options tailored to different needs. It also provides specialized hosting for agencies, cyber panel hosting, and Minecraft server hosting.

Bluehost: A popular choice for WordPress hosting, Bluehost offers reliable and scalable hosting plans. It provides excellent customer support and a range of features to optimize WordPress websites.


Understanding web hosting and its significance is crucial when building and maintaining a website. By considering factors like traffic, resource requirements, control, and support, you can select the most suitable web hosting provider and type. Whether it's shared hosting for small websites or dedicated hosting for high-traffic businesses, make an informed decision to ensure a reliable and accessible online presence.

Unveiling the Mysteries of Temples: Praveen Mohan's Fascinating Journey


  • Praveen Mohan discusses his interest in temples and temple architecture, which started during his childhood spent in temples in Tamil Nadu.
  • He became deeply fascinated by the carvings, statues, and rituals in the temples, and wanted to understand their meanings.
  • After living in the United States for 15 years, Praveen Mohan returned to India and began researching temples full-time due to his growing addiction to them.
  • He emphasizes that ancient temples were not just places of worship but served as repositories of knowledge, containing carvings and information about various subjects such as animals, science, war, and love.
  • Praveen Mohan highlights the differences between the Dravidian and Nagara styles of temple architecture and suggests that the temple layout is aligned with the chakras, promoting a positive effect on the mind and body. He also mentions unique structures like the Qutub Minar and Taj Mahal, raising questions about their origins and hidden features.


In a captivating interview with The Jaipur Dialogues, renowned explorer and researcher Praveen Mohan shared his lifelong fascination with temples, their architecture, and the untold stories behind them. From his childhood experiences to his full-time dedication to temple research, Mohan's journey sheds light on the profound significance and hidden depths of these ancient structures.

Childhood Intrigue and the Temple's Allure:

Growing up in Tamil Nadu, Mohan's upbringing revolved around temples. Spending countless hours wandering amidst the intricate carvings and statues, he found himself captivated by the enigmatic stories they seemed to tell. Being locked inside the temples during the afternoon closure allowed him to observe devotees' distinct rituals and interactions with various statues, igniting a quest to unravel the meanings behind them.

From the US to India: A Compelling Attraction:

After residing in the United States for 15 years, Mohan's deep-rooted connection with temples beckoned him back to his homeland. What began as brief visits to historical sites gradually transformed into an addictive passion. The temples' rich details and profound impact on his psyche compelled him to permanently return to India, embarking on a full-time journey of exploration and research.

Temples as Living Encyclopedias:

Contrary to common misconceptions, Mohan emphasizes that ancient temples were more than mere places of worship. They served as repositories of knowledge, akin to town museums or living encyclopedias. Intricate carvings showcased a vast range of subjects, including animals, science, war, love, and even erotica. Temples were intelligently designed to cater to different age groups, offering a progressive educational experience.

The Architectural Distinction: Dravidian vs. Nagara Styles:

Mohan highlights the stark differences between the Dravidian and Nagara styles of temple architecture. These variations were influenced by pragmatic considerations, such as soil conditions and structural feasibility. While each style had its own advantages and innovations, some temples showcased a combination of both, known as the Visara style. Monolithic wonders like the Kailasa Temple exemplify the monumental achievements of ancient Indian architecture.

The Temple's Spiritual Essence and Cosmic Order:

Mohan delves into the profound spiritual and cosmic significance of temples. He points out the alignment between the temple's layout and the human body's chakras, suggesting a deep connection between physical and spiritual well-being. Temples are believed to harmonize the individual with the cosmic order, with their design promoting positive vibrations that can even have a healing effect on visitors.


Praveen Mohan's extraordinary journey into the heart of temples unravels the hidden secrets and profound symbolism enshrined within these architectural marvels. His exploration of temples as repositories of knowledge, the distinct architectural styles, and their impact on the human mind and body offers a fresh perspective on these ancient structures. Through his research and dedication, Mohan continues to shed light on the awe-inspiring legacy of temples, inviting us all to embark on our own journeys of discovery.

Praveen Mohan Shares His Life Journey For the First Time | Experiences of Temples 

Transcript: "namaste I am Sanjay likshit and you are watching the Jaipur dialogues and today I have a very very special guest for you and he is going to talk about you guys right temples and who that can be the one and only Praveen Mohan welcome Praveen welcome thank you dialogues thank you for having me so I just wanted to know what evoked your interest in the temples and the temple architectures and the temple stories and the carvings I grew up watching you know um I grew up in temples I spent a lot of tim e in temples and as a child I used to walk around all these carvings and statues talking to them I saw yeah um because the temples usually in Tamil Nadu the temples usually closed around 12 o'clock in the noon and then they reopened the temples around five o'clock in the evening but I was actually locked inside the temples because I would be inside the temple and they would lock it outside so I spent a long time looking at each and every statue and the carvings and also observe the people how th ey prayed to each statue and every statue has its own little twist in it in some statue in front of some statues the devotees would clap this statue is called chandigeswara um in front of the nine statues or navagraha they would circle around in front of other statues they would do different things so I wanted to understand what was the meaning behind them so I spent a lot of my childhood thinking about the temples the statues and the meaning behind them So eventually I guess when I grew up I re alized that okay let me try to find out what I really can is this just a meaningless set of rituals as some people would like to say or does it really have deep meaning you know behind all these rituals and statues OK and then you went away to the United States for some time and then right now you're full time into researching the temples is it yeah so I went to the U.S around 2001 and I was there for 15 years so only in 2015 um I came back I mean I started very slowly I used to come back in the 2010 I will take a month off and I'll say let me go to Elora caves or let me go to brahhadisura Temple but as I looked more and more into these temples I kind of became addicted to the temples it's very hard because I was not myself when I went back to the US so I started to go back to the US because you know I was there but then I would keep thinking about the temples in India so the next year I took two months off the next year I took three months off like that so eventually it became time fo r me to um just come back permanently to India because the temples have some kind of a force that's going to pull you towards them I mean they have so many details that you know it's it has a magical effect on you you're quite right and as you said that a lot of people think that it's a place for doing meaningless rituals who what is the philosophy behind Temple architecture um today is if we say let's build a temple mostly it's considered as a almost as a place of business right they they would find a location in a prime area they would say how many people worship Shiva let's put a Shiva statue there and they will put a huge donation box a hundi in a prominent place so it's treated as a business where people can come basically pray to God and give their money away this is the uh the mindset that we have today but when we look at ancient temples we realize that something is not quite right when we actually go into ancient temples you see carvings and things that don't belong there you see a bunch of different animals you see people wrestling you see people singing and dancing you see carvings of a variety of things that don't belong there so it turns out that we have a system or we had an ancient system when the builders were building the temples they had something else in mind when you look at the bottom of the temples You'll Always Find animals and you will find many interesting details about animals you will see um a baby elephant drinking milk from its mother this is not the site that anybody could see in real life so imagine if you're a five-year-old child going into a temple you would be this high and then you would only look at those carvings okay and what is a five-year-old interested in if you have a five-year-old child then that that kid is only interested in watching Animal Planet because the kids are naturally attracted to animals so they put all the animal carvings for the kids at the bottom level and then there is another level which I say this is suit able for kids from six to ten year old and then it only has a dancing singing and all the fun activities like tug of war and all those interesting things and above that you have science like you will see sundials there you'll see various types of knots there and between 15 to 20 year old you will see carvings about war you'll actually see War politics you'll see Administration you'll see how people are punished you will see all all those things and above that level you'll see and this is what I say this is suitable for age group between 20 and 25 you will see erotica you'll see various forms of Love Making only Above This level you start to see gods yes so that's a happy evolutionary kind of uh setup yes it because you have to go through all those basic levels when you're a child you're only interested in all these animals and then when you keep growing up you have this natural process of I'm interested in Social things I'm interested in dancing and I'm interested in science but only w hen you reach a certain level then your mind becomes open to the gods but the temples were not built just as a place of worship they were built almost as a Wikipedia or like a town Museum where you can learn about everything where you can learn about all the animals you will see amazing information about animals you will see a goat uh you'll see a monkey riding on a goat like how a man rides on a horse actually monkeys do that okay monkeys actually do this my if a monkey spots a goat it'll just jump on the goat and go for some distance we don't know this in real life but this is carved in ancient temples so the temples are a great Souls of all kinds of information that's why we find everything in the temples I think this is the purpose of every Ancient Temple and this is why they're full of these rich carvings you know but the temples also are different in South India what we call the dravidian Style and what we have uh north of the vindhyas which is called the nagara style yes yes wha t is that difference I think there are many such differences actually largely depends on how they wanted to build it whenever they built a particular style obviously every style would have had its own advantages and disadvantages and then it also depends on the place how the soil condition was if the soil condition was suitable for a pyramid-like structure they built a pyramid-like structure if the soil was rather loose and it would not take a long pyramid-like structure they built a flat struct ure so it was more pragmatic than all these Styles and then they also combined the dravida nadra it's called the visara you can see this in some parts where they combine both of them and they tried they tried to many Innovations in many many types of um architecture we can see the monolithic architecture like the kailasa temple yeah Temple yeah that's the real wonder of the world yes it is absolutely I myself have written a number of times about it that uh Taj Mahal could not lift a finger to it yeah yeah that is the kind of monumental architecture it is talking about the temples and how the temples are laid out there is also this alignment between the chakras and the way the temples are laid out from the from the place you enter and to the uh so have you seen this in most of the temples you can if you put um a man in a lying position and then if you put a temple or a Temple's plan nearby you can see that it also has seven chakras or seven month UPS the temple is is built similar to a human body the human body is said to have seven chakras and when you look at the at an ancient Temple I don't know if it's still used in the newer temples but if you look at the Ancient Temple you will see that there are mundabs matching those chakras at this point the way we have understood this is very primitive I will say because we don't understand many of the reasons behind the temple Construction in my opinion I could be wrong uh in in my opinion because what what I would like to do is tha t I would like to take a hundred people right and not tell them and before they enter the temple I would like to check their blood pressure okay and I I wouldn't tell them why I would just tell them it's a regular medical checkup I would just check their blood pressure and let them go to the temple and go into the garbage and as soon as they come out of the garbage I want to check their blood pressure again to see if if it has an effect on them and I would think there is a very good chance that the temples have a positive effect on the human mind and the body and I think this is true even if you're not a devout person even if you're a visitor coming from Australia you just like you're just a visitor to the temple I think the temple was designed in a certain way that it will have a positive effect on your mind and body I think it should work for atheists also because there is something in that architecture they've done I don't know if you notice this the carvings will only be found outs ide on the outer wall of the temple but once we go into the just before the garbage there is one more chamber as soon as we go into the chamber there is nothing it's completely empty there's it should be completely blank and then Inside Outside they will have a lot of metal statues and all that stuff but inside you'll only have one very simple stone statue and that stone statue will not be made of granite it's not a regular Granite statue they make it out of a special stone so I think there is s ome I don't know if it's related to magnetism I don't know what they were trying to do but I think they were trying to heal us when we when we go to the temples I think when we go to the temples you can literally test this you can have all sorts of negative emotions you may you may want to fight with somebody you're angry on somebody but once you go to the temple when you come back you realize that you're coming out with a positive vibration yes I was listening to a talk today by Swami sarva pri t and what you said is very interesting also because there is an evolution top to bottom as you said and there's an evolution from entry to the garbage so both way it is an evolutionary cycle that's wonderful and also the temple it represents the cosmic order I guess the Rhythm and the infinite life cycles what we call the kala chakra yes so all that comes into it and of course you've seen many such temples but there are also some unique ones which I think you've talked about like the kotob Mina ut a drone on top you find something totally different yes yes so um there are there are two parts of this question right one is the structures surrounding the Qutub Minar when we go to the Qutub minor complex you see this tall tower that is the Qutub Minar Tower and then there is a struct there is a bunch of uh structures surrounding the kudub Minar there is no doubt that those structures are all Hindu structures because when we go there you could you you would have to be blind to say that they ture is a is a Hindu complex but the main structure the kudub Minar Tower this is the part that no historian or no archaeologist even wants to open this debate because they've printed in all the books that Qutub Minar is a is not only a Muslim structure it's the first Islamic structure in in India so if they open this for debate then they have to reprint everything right but it has many problems actually because if you look at the tower of Qutub Minar you will see carvings of bells all over the ore so how could he build Asia's tallest tower at that time so when we raised these questions sometimes historians be like no no that's not how it's built Qutub Minar was the only the first one or two stories was built by qurbuddin and then later the Kings kept on building but this is this is a stupid theory in my opinion because can we build a kudubina on top of this building no because we have to start with the foundation right when you when you build the world's tall our Asia's tallest tower inside if they allow us to go because now it's completely locked if they allow us to go inside could open or and then use drone and examine inside kadub Minar I think we can prove this Beyond any doubt that Qutub Minar is also a Hindu structure also the the drones that are flown over it and they have brought a lot of pictures which are there available even on Google have seen even I did a show on the Minar that looks like a sundial from the top why would an Islamic structure be designed like a s st Side Kaaba facing wall yes so that's another point and you've also investigated Taj Mahal haven't you yes we were I mean of course um a lot of because they're making some changes now after a bunch of videos came out there are some um Taj Mahal is full of mysteries where do you start with Taj Mahal Taj Mahal has an underground area and I think it has dual underground areas um there were some people who went through they were just taking a boat in the river yamuna and they spotted some entrance lt by Maharaja of uh yes yes and it's it's very clear so they they must have been something underneath um now they're trying to open it I haven't checked the developments of this but I'm sure you know it probably has many hidden structures underneath right

The Evolution of Grammarly: Enhancing Communication with AI


In the age of advanced technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has made its way into various aspects of our lives, including language and communication. One prominent player in this field is Grammarly, a popular writing assistant tool known for its ability to improve grammar, spelling, and overall writing quality. However, Grammarly's capabilities extend far beyond basic correctness. With the introduction of generative AI, Grammarly aims to revolutionize the way we communicate by assisting users throughout the entire process. This article delves into the evolution of Grammarly, exploring how the company's new CEO, Rahul Roy Chowdhury, envisions the role of AI in enhancing communication and the potential impact it may have on Grammarly's future.

I. The Journey of Grammarly 

A. From Correctness to Comprehensive Communication Support

Grammarly's initial focus was on addressing common grammar and spelling errors. However, as the company evolved, it recognized the broader scope of communication challenges and the potential to make a more significant impact. Grammarly expanded its services to include features that improve tone, clarity, and overall effectiveness of communication. This shift marked a crucial turning point for the company and set the stage for its future developments.

B. The Role of Rahul Roy Chowdhury

As the former head of product at Grammarly, Rahul Roy Chowdhury played a significant role in shaping the company's AI-powered tools. His deep belief in the company's mission and commitment to improving communication led him to take on the role of CEO. With his expertise and vision, Rahul aims to scale Grammarly's product offerings and help individuals worldwide communicate more effectively.

II. Grammarly Go: The Power of Generative AI

A. Expanding the Benefits of Grammarly

Generative AI represents a significant milestone in Grammarly's evolution. While the tool was initially focused on the revision phase of writing, generative AI now allows Grammarly to assist users across multiple stages of communication. Grammarly Go, the company's latest offering, leverages generative AI to help users not only revise their writing but also generate more impactful and persuasive content.

B. Navigating the Balance Between Assistance and Automation

One concern associated with generative AI is the extent to which it may replace human involvement in the communication process. Grammarly acknowledges this concern and emphasizes its commitment to being an assistive tool rather than a fully automated one. The goal is to enhance users' communication skills by providing suggestions and guidance, while still ensuring that users maintain control and express their unique voice.

C. Ethical Use of AI: Grammarly's Approach

As AI continues to advance, the responsible and ethical use of technology becomes paramount. Rahul Roy Chowdhury emphasizes Grammarly's commitment to deploying AI technology in a way that is both beneficial and respectful of users' needs and privacy. The company follows the "true framework," which emphasizes user control and empathy in product development. Grammarly aims to solve real user problems and prioritize the user experience above all else.

III. The Future of Grammarly: Opportunities and Challenges 

A. The Ever-Changing Landscape of AI

The rapid pace of technological innovation presents both opportunities and challenges for Grammarly. As the AI landscape continues to evolve, Grammarly must stay ahead of the curve by embracing emerging technologies and finding unique ways to address user needs. This requires constant adaptation and a proactive approach to incorporating the latest advancements into Grammarly's offerings.

B. Business Impact and Enterprise Solutions

While Grammarly initially catered to individual users, the company has recognized the potential for its tools in the enterprise market. By helping businesses improve communication at all levels, Grammarly aims to drive impact on a larger scale. The introduction of tailored solutions for businesses and teams allows Grammarly to tap into a new market while expanding its reach and influence.

C. User Feedback and Continuous Improvement

The key to Grammarly's success lies in its ability to listen to user feedback and continuously improve its product. Through feedback channels and user surveys, Grammarly gains valuable insights into user preferences, pain points, and expectations. This iterative approach ensures that Grammarly remains relevant and responsive to user needs, ultimately enhancing its effectiveness as a communication tool.


Grammarly's journey from a grammar and spelling checker to a comprehensive communication assistant highlights the power of AI in transforming the way we communicate. With Rahul Roy Chowdhury at the helm, Grammarly has embraced generative AI and expanded its capabilities to support users throughout the entire communication process. By striking a balance between assistance and automation, Grammarly aims to empower users while maintaining the human touch in communication.

As Grammarly looks to the future, it faces both opportunities and challenges in a rapidly evolving AI landscape. The company's commitment to ethical use, user feedback, and continuous improvement positions it well for success. By leveraging emerging technologies, exploring enterprise solutions, and staying true to its mission, Grammarly is poised to make a lasting impact on the way we communicate.

In a world where effective communication is vital, Grammarly's AI-powered tools offer individuals and businesses an opportunity to enhance their communication skills and convey their messages more effectively. With Grammarly leading the way, we can expect AI to continue playing a transformative role in shaping the future of communication.

सबसे पुरानी, सबसे पूर्ण हिब्रू बाइबिल जो 600 वर्षों से गायब हो गई थी, रिकॉर्ड $ 38 मिलियन में बिकी

  • एक प्राचीन हिब्रू बाइबिल न्यूयॉर्क में सोथबी के नीलामी घर में $ 38 मिलियन में बेची गई है।
  • लगभग 900 ईस्वी में लिखा गया प्राचीन पाठ हिब्रू बाइबिल की सबसे पूर्ण प्रारंभिक प्रतिलिपि है।
  • नीलामी घर ने इसे "निजी हाथों में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रारंभिक बाइबिल पांडुलिपि" के रूप में वर्णित किया है।
  • दुनिया की सबसे पुरानी हिब्रू बाइबिल न्यूयॉर्क में सोथबी के नीलामी घर में $ 38 मिलियन में बेची गई थी।

सोथबी के अनुसार, प्राचीन चमड़े से बंधा, हस्तलिखित चर्मपत्र वॉल्यूम, जो लगभग 900 ईस्वी का है, "हिब्रू बाइबिल की लगभग संपूर्णता को शामिल करता है," जिससे यह अस्तित्व में सबसे पूर्ण प्रारंभिक प्रतिलिपि बन जाती है।

इनसाइडर्स लक्ष्मी वाराणसी ने पहले बताया था कि इसे कोडेक्स ससून के नाम पर जाना जाता है - इसका नाम इसके पूर्व मालिक डेविड सोलोमन ससून के नाम पर रखा गया है, जो एक कलेक्टर थे, जिन्होंने 20 वीं शताब्दी में जुडाइका और हेब्राइका पांडुलिपियों का एक महत्वपूर्ण संग्रह एकत्र किया था।

इसे अमेरिकी वकील और पूर्व राजदूत अल्फ्रेड मूसा को बोली लगाने के 10 मिनट बाद बेचा गया था, जो इसे इजरायल के तेल अवीव में यहूदी लोगों के एएनयू संग्रहालय को दान करेंगे।

द फाइनेंशियल टाइम्स के अनुसार, यह राशि 31 में दा विंची के कोडेक्स लीसेस्टर के लिए माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के बिल गेट्स द्वारा भुगतान किए गए $ 1994 मिलियन से अधिक थी। अरबपति सिटाडेल के संस्थापक केन ग्रिफिन ने 2021 में एक ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेज का रिकॉर्ड बनाया जब उन्होंने अमेरिकी संविधान की मूल मुद्रित प्रति के लिए $ 43 मिलियन का भुगतान किया।

डलास में दक्षिणी मेथोडिस्ट विश्वविद्यालय की वेबसाइट के अनुसार, कोडेक्स ससून को दो साल की अवधि में एक अज्ञात मास्टर स्क्राइब द्वारा लिखा गया था, जिसने पिछले महीने अपनी ब्रिडवेल लाइब्रेरी में बेशकीमती बाइबिल प्रदर्शित की थी।

एक दूसरे विद्वान ने 13 वीं शताब्दी में नोट्स जोड़े जब इसे सीरिया में एक आराधनालय में रखा गया था। जब आक्रमणकारियों ने आराधनालय को नष्ट कर दिया, तो यहूदी समुदाय के एक सदस्य ने इसे फिर से बनाने पर वापस करने के लिए सुरक्षित रखने के लिए छिपा दिया। एसएमयू वेबसाइट ने कहा कि यह कभी नहीं था, और कोडेक्स आधिकारिक तौर पर 600 वर्षों के लिए गायब हो गया जब तक कि यह 1929 में दिखाई नहीं दिया और डेविड ससून द्वारा खरीदा गया था।

दसवीं शताब्दी से जीवित रहने वाली एकमात्र अन्य लगभग पूर्ण हिब्रू बाइबिल को अलेप्पो कोडेक्स के रूप में जाना जाता है, जिसे सोथबी के अनुसार 930 ईस्वी के आसपास बनाया गया था। हालांकि, पांडुलिपि का लगभग दो-पांचवां हिस्सा 1940 के दशक के अंत और 1950 के दशक के अंत के बीच खो गया था, जिसके तहत नीलामी घर ने "रहस्यमय परिस्थितियों" के रूप में वर्णित किया था।

इसलिए, नीलामी घर का कहना है कि लगभग 800 पन्नों का कोडेक्स ससून "निश्चित रूप से निजी हाथों में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रारंभिक बाइबिल पांडुलिपि है।

इसमें हिब्रू बाइबिल की 24 पुस्तकें शामिल हैं, जिन्हें टोरा, या "पेंटाटेक," नेविम, या "भविष्यद्वक्ताओं" और केतुविम, या "लेखन" में विभाजित किया गया है। हिब्रू बाइबल उस बात का आधार है जिसे ईसाई पुराने नियम कहते हैं।

एसोसिएटेड प्रेस के अनुसार, सोथबी के जूडाइका विशेषज्ञ शेरोन लिबरमैन मिंट्ज़ ने कहा कि 38 मिलियन डॉलर का विशाल मूल्य टैग "हिब्रू बाइबिल की गहन शक्ति, प्रभाव और महत्व को दर्शाता है, जो मानवता का एक अनिवार्य स्तंभ है।"

"Codex Sassoon: The $50 Million Bible and Its Unprecedented Historical Significance"

In a landmark event for bibliophiles and collectors, the Codex Sassoon, an extraordinary piece of literary history, is set to be auctioned at Sotheby's in May 2023. Renowned as the earliest and most complete Hebrew Bible ever discovered, this exceptional manuscript has the potential to become the most valuable text ever sold at auction, with an estimated price range of $30 to $50 million.

Sotheby's spokesperson expressed their confidence in the estimate, asserting that it accurately reflects the immense significance of this priceless treasure. Drawing comparisons to other notable manuscripts, such as the Codex Leicester, which was sold to Bill Gates for $30 million, and the Constitution, which fetched $43 million in 2021, the spokesperson emphasized that the Codex Sassoon stands alone in its unparalleled historical importance.

The Codex Sassoon, believed to have been written in the late 9th or early 10th century, is a testament to the transmission of the most precise and accurate text of the Hebrew Bible—the Divine word of God. Unlike other ancient manuscripts, the Codex Sassoon boasts a remarkable completeness, containing every book of the Hebrew Bible, except for a mere 15 chapters.

Its unique value lies not only in its comprehensive nature but also in the meticulous inclusion of vowel points and cancellation marks, which provide essential guidance for the proper intonation and interpretation of the text. While the Dead Sea Scrolls contain fragments and portions of biblical texts, the Codex Sassoon presents the complete Hebrew Bible, showcasing the stability and standardization of its form.

The manuscript's provenance adds another layer of fascination. Over the centuries, various owners of the Codex Sassoon added records of sale to its pages, allowing experts to trace its remarkable journey through time. From its private ownership in the 11th century, witnessed by the deed of gift from around the year 1000, to its acquisition by David Solomon Sassoon in 1929 and subsequent ownership by institutions like the synagogue and Maki sin in the 13th and 14th centuries, this manuscript has been held in high regard throughout history.

Interest in the Codex Sassoon has garnered attention from across the globe, with both institutions and private individuals expressing a keen desire to acquire this unparalleled artifact. Its enduring condition, despite being over a thousand years old, is a testament to the quality of its craftsmanship. Made from an estimated 200 sheepskins, its parchment pages are remarkably resilient, capable of lasting indefinitely if kept in moderate humidity.

One notable aspect is the recommended method for handling the Codex Sassoon. Instead of using gloves, conservators around the world advise turning its pages with perfectly clean hands, as the tactile connection provides better control and reduces the risk of accidental damage.

Beyond its historical and religious significance, the Codex Sassoon holds a deep and profound resonance for people of various faiths. Opening its pages allows one to witness the millennia-old text of the Hebrew Bible in its unaltered form, evoking a powerful connection with the past and reaffirming its enduring relevance.

As the auction date draws near, the anticipation surrounding the Codex Sassoon continues to grow. Whether it finds a new home in an institution or in the hands of a private collector, the sale of this extraordinary manuscript is poised to make a lasting mark on the annals of bibliographic history, reaffirming its status as a priceless testament to the written word.

This $50 Million Bible Could Be The Most Valuable Text Ever Sold At Auction 

Foreign one of the world's greatest treasures 

the Codex Sassoon is the earliest most complete Hebrew Bible ever discovered in May 2023 it will go up for sale at Sotheby's and it could become the most expensive book or manuscript ever sold at auction the estimate for codex has soon is 30 to 50 million dollars this is the highest price that we've ever placed on a book of manuscript but we believe that this estimate correctly reflects the signal importance of this great treasure with all great Treasures it takes considerable thought to arrive at the exact estimate we thought about other comparable books and manuscripts that have sold in the past for example codex leister which is the da Vinci codex the manuscript which is now owned by Bill Gates and sold for 30 million dollars thought about the Constitution which says be sold in 2021 of which there were 15 copies sold for 43 million dollars here we have a manuscript which has no equal it has no parallels there aren't any other early Witnesses which contain this entire text what we have here is a remarkable witness to the transmission of the most exact accurate text of the Hebrew Bible the Divine word of God it is more complete than any other manuscript of this period if codex says soon sells from more than 43 million dollars it will become the single most expensive Booker manuscript ever sold the Codex was written in the late 9th or early 10th century and likely commissioned by a wealthy Patron who hired a single scribe to work on it for more than a year over the following centuries a handful of the Bible's owners added records of sale to its Pages which allowed experts to trace its provenance this book has been owned privately by individuals as witnessed by the deed of gift from around the year 1000 also it was purchased by David Solomon Sassoon in 1929 and it's also been owned by institutions such as the synagogue and Maki sin around the 13th and 14th century and what's exciting to me is we've seen both institutions and private individuals approach us and express their interest from across the world what makes this manuscript so important is that this is the earliest extant example where we have every book of the Bible and it's stable and standardized form the Dead Sea Scrolls contain portions sometimes only fragments of biblical texts there's actually only one book of the entire Hebrew Bible which is complete and that is the great Scroll of Isaiah these Scrolls however do not contain any vowel points or any cancellation marks when these Bibles emerged they included all the cancellation marks which explained how one is to chant the text and often how you chance it it's not just about the singing but it's also about where you stop and where you start in a sentence which can make all the difference in the interpretation perhaps most significantly it contains the vowel points above and below each word on the page are all the different Hebrew vowels that allow us to understand exactly what word is meant in every single book of the Hebrew Bible every verse every book of the Hebrew Bible while this book is missing 15 out of the 929 chapters that make up the Hebrew Bible it is essentially complete every single book of the Hebrew Bible is found within the 729 pages of codexassoon despite being more than a thousand years old the Codex Sassoon is in remarkably good condition and it should stay that way it's parchment Pages which were made with an estimated 200 sheepskins can last forever if they're kept at moderate humidity and you don't even need to wear gloves to touch it one of the questions I'm asked is how you can turn the pages of this manuscript without gloves conservators around the world believe that when you put gloves on you lose the tactility it's much harder to turn the pages and you might end up ripping something or bending one of the leaves in an effort to turn the pages so current conservational thinking is that it's much better to actually turn the pages with perfectly Clean Hands thank you this book really resonates it's it's deeply powerful people of many religions and faith look at it and feel a deep connection when they open up and look at the pages and can see a millennia of the text of the Hebrew Bible sitting in front of them it's in remarkably good condition and we think that it could be bought either institutionally or privately or there could be private donors who wish to purchase a foreign institution I think everything is possible at this point foreign.

Zelensky's Comparison of Bakhmut Destruction to Hiroshima Raises Concerns; Germany Probes Poisoning of Russian Exiles

  • Zelensky compares Bakhmut destruction to Hiroshima.
  • Germany is investigating the poisoning of Russian exiles.
  • The U.S. and Russia are on the brink of armed conflict.
  • New Delhi will become the global diplomacy capital in 2023.
  • India presents suggestions for BBC documentaries on topics like the Kohinoor diamond, the monarchy, and racism in 2023.


In recent news, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has drawn attention by comparing the destruction in Bakhmut to the devastating nuclear attack on Hiroshima during World War II. Meanwhile, Germany has launched an investigation into the poisoning of Russian exiles, raising concerns about potential international repercussions. These developments highlight the fragile state of global affairs and the need for diplomatic efforts to prevent further escalations. Additionally, New Delhi's upcoming role as the capital of global diplomacy and India's suggestions for BBC documentaries add an interesting dimension to the current international landscape. Let us delve deeper into these significant events.

Zelensky's Controversial Comparison:

President Zelensky's comparison of the destruction in Bakhmut to the catastrophic aftermath of Hiroshima has ignited discussions worldwide. Bakhmut, a city located in eastern Ukraine, has witnessed intense conflict and heavy shelling in recent years. While Zelensky's analogy seeks to convey the severity of the situation, such comparisons to a historically significant event like Hiroshima are inherently contentious. Critics argue that equating the two diminishes the magnitude of the tragedy that unfolded in Hiroshima, where the detonation of an atomic bomb claimed the lives of over 100,000 people and left lasting scars on the city.

However, it is essential to recognize that Zelensky's statement may reflect the profound impact of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine on the lives of its citizens. The comparison serves as a reminder of the immense suffering and devastation caused by war, urging the international community to take action to resolve the Ukrainian crisis and prevent further loss of innocent lives.

Germany's Investigation into Poisoning of Russian Exiles:

The poisoning of Russian exiles continues to be a matter of grave concern, and Germany has taken a proactive stance by launching an investigation. In recent years, several high-profile incidents involving the poisoning of Russian dissidents and opposition figures have raised suspicions of state-sponsored attacks. Germany's decision to probe these incidents underscores the gravity of the situation and the need to ascertain the truth behind these acts.

Such investigations not only serve to hold perpetrators accountable but also send a strong message that such actions will not be tolerated on the international stage. They provide an opportunity to shed light on the motives and methods employed in these poisonings, potentially revealing broader patterns and implicating those responsible. As tensions persist between Russia and the West, this investigation could have far-reaching consequences for diplomatic relations and international cooperation.

Tensions Between the U.S. and Russia:

The transcript briefly mentions that the United States and Russia are dangerously close to armed conflict. While the details surrounding this assertion remain undisclosed, it is a reminder of the ongoing geopolitical tensions between the two nations. The strained relationship between the U.S. and Russia has been a cause for concern in recent years, with various disputes and conflicts arising on multiple fronts.

From territorial disputes in Ukraine and Syria to accusations of election interference and cyberattacks, the relationship between the U.S. and Russia is complex and multifaceted. The potential for armed conflict between these two major global powers poses a significant threat to international stability and requires measured diplomacy and dialogue to avoid catastrophic consequences.

New Delhi: Capital of Global Diplomacy:

Shifting our focus to a more optimistic development, New Delhi is poised to become the capital of global diplomacy in 2023. As the largest democracy in the world, India's selection as the host for global diplomatic efforts signifies the recognition of its growing influence and importance on the international stage. The decision to designate New Delhi as the capital of global diplomacy reflects the desire for a more inclusive and diverse approach to international relations.

India's emergence as a diplomatic hub also provides an opportunity for the country to further showcase its rich culture, heritage, and commitment to democratic values. It presents a platform for India to engage with other nations and foster stronger relationships, facilitating dialogue and cooperation on a wide range of global challenges, from climate change to economic development and security issues.

India's Suggestions for BBC Documentaries:

In a surprising gesture, India has presented a list of suggestions to the BBC for their upcoming documentaries. These suggestions include topics like the Kohinoor diamond and colonial loot, an examination of the outdated monarchy and the unhealthy obsession with the Royals, and an exploration of racism in the year 2023.

India's proposals touch on sensitive issues that have historical, social, and cultural significance. The inclusion of topics like the Kohinoor diamond and colonial loot raises questions about the restitution of cultural artifacts and the post-colonial legacy that persists in many parts of the world. Similarly, analyzing the monarchy and societal fixation on the Royals invites critical introspection into the relevance and impact of traditional institutions in contemporary society.

Lastly, India's suggestion to explore racism in 2023 sheds light on an ongoing global challenge. Racism remains a persistent problem affecting individuals and societies worldwide, and a documentary on this subject would provide a platform to examine the progress made, the existing barriers, and the way forward towards a more inclusive and equitable world.


The events discussed in this article highlight the intricate nature of international affairs and the need for effective diplomacy and cooperation to address global challenges. President Zelensky's comparison of the destruction in Bakhmut to Hiroshima serves as a poignant reminder of the impact of war on innocent lives. Germany's investigation into the poisoning of Russian exiles underscores the importance of holding perpetrators accountable. The tense relationship between the U.S. and Russia emphasizes the need for dialogue and de-escalation. Meanwhile, New Delhi's upcoming role as the capital of global diplomacy provides an opportunity for India to showcase its diplomatic prowess and engage in constructive dialogues. Lastly, India's suggestions for BBC documentaries shed light on significant issues such as colonial legacy, monarchy, and racism, encouraging critical examination of these topics. As the world navigates these complex challenges, international cooperation and understanding become increasingly vital for a peaceful and prosperous future.



1 A.C.PS TRANSPORT 9871463787 10BAZPS9066C1ZA

2 AM. RAIL TRANSPORT 9999425611 (O7DNKPK5342B126

3 AAMAR JYOTI ROAD CARRIER 7065102940, 8505991301 (08HBSPS0935L1ZR

4 AAMAR JYOTI ROADLINK 9434047380, 9534034444 19AKOPS4864012U


6 'ANAND DUBEY (S D CARGO) 9310496360, 9891241060 07CWKPD7762G1ZA



9 ANJANI LOGISTICS 9717840680, 7982479431 (07ABKFA4621N1Z8

10 AAPNA ROAD CARRIER (ARC) 9311598165, 9311773571 (09A0DPA3299L1ZN

1 AAPPOLO TRANSPORT 9350291795, 9350812340 (07AAICA866101ZW

12 AASHA CARGO MOVERS 01123946602, 23923092 (O7AAFCA4967L1Z8

13 AASHOKA TRANSPORT 8538818526, 9310248526 22AADCA4062G127

14 ATC 9350291795 (07AAJCA3429K1Z)

15 BABA CARGO 9312979610, 9312456632 (07BCWPS7565R121

16 BABA LOGISTIC 9953673232 (07AASFB6082H1Z3



19 DEEPAK ROAD LINES 627642112, 7827642112 07ARBCD2637G12X

20 DELHI BENGAL TRANSPORT 9999200932, 9312851498 OTAFNPK4328P1ZU

21 DELHI GORAKHPUR LOGISTICS 8595366843, 1142860466 O07AAAPG341TFIZA

22 DELHI UP (AJEET GROUP) 9811531565 O7TAARPK23730120

23 DELHI UP ROAD LINE 22072817, 9811485133 O7ABBPKS191NIZ3

24 DHILLAN FREIGHT CARRER 9312887203, 9162246757 09AAFCDO791D1ZS

25 GATIKWE 7982086044 I6AADCG2096A1ZY






31 J.5.S TRANSPORT COM. 9891007715, 9718517715 09CMOPS61340220

32 JAIHANUMAN FREIGHT CARRIER 9599008075, 9599008077 O7BHIPG2866ATZM

33 JAILOGISTICS 9999022688 O7AAHFJB628C12C

34 JAI MATA DI PARIVAHAN PVT. LTD. 9560286661, 9073994412 20AADCJB593P1ZZ



37 KRISHNA FREIGHT MOVERS 9510764063, 011- 27155861 07AOGPS4992D12L

38 M/SBB.G.C.LOGISTIC SERVICE 9811751953, 9911255601 O7AASFBT300612!



41 MANOJ RAILWAY 9999425611, 9990062509 O7ABRPUGSD2F1Z9

42 MATATRANSPORT 8626269679, 8826269549 07AADCMO917A1Z3

43 MATATRANSPORT ( ONLY ORDDISA ) 8708606826, 9831279180 19ARECMO224F 12V,


45 NARANG MOTOR TRANSPORT (U.P / BIHAR) 01126312320, 9899202665 07AADPCA969M1ZD

46 NEC 88AABCN5129K220

47 NEW BEST CARGO 8510067047, 7065309895 O7BTNPA388501ZW




51 NEW SHEKHAWATI 9555528668 07DSLPK2324B123

52 OMGEE CARGO 9871710804 07BRZPS1122E22K


56 QUICKCARGO 9911254063 09AGVPJE51M128


56 RG CARRYING CORPORATION 01164686665, 9205390400 O7EEUPSB274B124

ST RAJDHANI INT. TRANSPORT CO. 9709770204,01123916332 07AAEFRT733H1Z1

58 RSCLOGISTICS PVTLTD 01123994214, 9310571459 0SAAECRT270C1ZD.

59 SPSENTERPRISES 9330174726,011-2271 9936 07ABGFS2070K1Z1

60 SHIVA PARCEL SERVICE 9313090059 10HXIPS1276K1Z4

61 SHIVARAIL LOGISTICS (REGD.) 8127188085, 9935206327 09APMPY2079N1ZS

62 SHREE AZAD TRANSPORT CO PVT ( ALL STATE ) 9213308957, 9313416001 09AAGCSA408M122

63 SHREE SHYAM CARGO MOVERS 9073651717, 7838318854 10ADEFSO5T1R1ZE

64 SIKKIM LOGISTICS SERVICES. 9310621265, 0353 2641905 07AHIPG5960C121

65 SINGH RAIL CARGO & CO. 9350301632, 9308056221 07CMaPS57570220

66 SUPER TRANSPORT COMPANY 9810096616, 9310096616 09ADBFST3854126

67 SUPREM COURIER 9313370396, 9873651717 07ABBFS4502K129



70 TAMILNADU GOODS CAR 01123088055, 9811401468 0TAADHM2179K1ZY



73 UN.LOGISTIC 9313242827, 9932732380 19AKWPS4934M12Z

74 UTTAM RAIL CARGO TRANSPORT 9818162048, 8860052448 19ATMPD6184H1Z8

75 VENUS TRANSPORT COM. 9212409039, 9212149502 09ARHFVE910B1Z5

76 VRLLOGISTICS LTD 9831024173, 9339031699 29ARBCV3609C1Z)

$500 vs $50,000 EXTREME Gaming Setup: Challenging the Norm


In the world of gaming, having a top-notch gaming setup is often associated with exorbitant price tags. Gamers often invest a significant amount of money to ensure they have the best equipment available. However, one daring YouTuber decided to challenge this notion by pitting a budget-friendly $500 gaming setup against a jaw-dropping $50,000 gaming setup owned by pro gaming YouTuber Vikkstar. The goal was simple: prove that with careful planning and smart choices, a fraction of the cost could still deliver an exceptional gaming experience.

Setting the Stage:

Our intrepid YouTuber embarked on a mission to construct a gaming setup that would rival Vikkstar's expensive configuration. With limited funds at their disposal, they had to make every penny count. The first step was to acquire peripherals that would enhance their gaming experience without breaking the bank. They opted for a backlit keyboard with mechanical switches to ensure responsiveness and accuracy, while a comfortable and visually appealing wired mouse was chosen to maximize performance. The importance of these peripherals cannot be overstated, as they lay the foundation for precise control and seamless gameplay.

The Quest for Affordable Components:

To build a capable gaming PC within their budget, our YouTuber scoured the market for affordable yet reliable options. They explored various avenues, including direct sourcing from China and online marketplaces, in search of the best deals. Every component was carefully evaluated to ensure optimal performance without compromising the budget. From the power supply to the graphics card, each selection was made with efficiency and cost-effectiveness in mind. Eventually, they managed to secure an impressive setup featuring an RTX 2060 Super and 32GB of LED RAM, a testament to their resourcefulness.

The Thrill of the Hunt:

Assembling the gaming setup extended beyond the core components. The YouTuber realized that the ambiance of the gaming environment played a crucial role in enhancing the experience. They sought ways to incorporate visual elements that would rival Vikkstar's extravagant RGB lighting. Utilizing online platforms and budget-friendly options, they acquired LED strips and starry sky ceiling decorations at an unbelievably low cost. These additions not only added a touch of vibrancy to the setup but also showcased the significant price disparities between regions.

The Showdown: Testing the Setup:

With the gaming setup fully constructed, it was time for the ultimate test – a face-off between our YouTuber and Vikkstar. The two gamers went head-to-head in a series of intense matches, with each setup put to the test. From their comfort levels to the efficiency of their equipment, every aspect was scrutinized. Surprisingly, the budget-friendly setup proved its worth, challenging the preconceived notion that a high price tag equates to superior performance.

Analyzing the Results:

Vikkstar, impressed by the ingenuity and resourcefulness behind the budget setup, found himself genuinely immersed in the experience. Despite his top-of-the-line gear, he acknowledged that knowledge of the game and familiarity with the setup were crucial factors for success. The YouTuber's simplistic yet functional setup left an impression, proving that it's not always the most expensive equipment that guarantees victory. Vikkstar's assessment of the setup's value hovered around £800-£900, highlighting the stark difference between perception and reality.

Lessons Learned and Reflection:

The face-off between the two setups shed light on the significance of knowledge, skill, and ingenuity in gaming. While expensive equipment can undoubtedly enhance the gaming experience, it is not an absolute prerequisite for success. Our YouTuber's journey exemplified the importance of careful planning, research, and cost-conscious decision-making. Their budget-friendly setup showcased that gaming enthusiasts with limited funds can still immerse themselves in the world of competitive gaming without compromising on the joy and thrill of the experience.


The $500 vs $50,000 gaming setup challenge broke the traditional mold, shattering the notion that success in gaming is solely dependent on the price tag of the equipment. Our intrepid YouTuber proved that with resourcefulness, research, and smart choices, a budget-friendly setup can hold its ground against its more expensive counterparts. The challenge served as a reminder that true victory in gaming lies in skill, strategy, and passion, transcending the confines of monetary constraints. So, whether you're an aspiring gamer on a tight budget or a seasoned professional with all the bells and whistles, remember that the journey is about the experience and the pursuit of excellence, regardless of the cost.

India's Forgotten Role in Ending the Korean War: A Tale of Diplomacy and Peacemaking


The Korean War, which broke out in 1950, remains one of the defining conflicts of the 20th century. While the involvement of major world powers such as the United States and China is well-known, the role played by India in attempting to end the war is often forgotten. As a young democracy with no strategic interests or influence in Korea, India stepped up as a messenger, peace broker, negotiator, and even a custodian of prisoners of war. This article delves into the forgotten story of India's efforts to prevent World War III and highlights the importance of diplomacy in resolving conflicts.

The Escalation of the Korean War:

At the end of World War II, the Korean Peninsula was divided between the United States and the Soviet Union, with the 38th parallel serving as the dividing line. The original plan was to let the Koreans figure out their own governance, but the onset of the Cold War led to the North becoming communist and the South anti-communist. Tensions escalated when North Korea invaded the South, leading to the intervention of the United States and the subsequent outbreak of the Korean War.

India's Warning and Diplomatic Efforts:

In the midst of the war, India found itself in a unique position to contribute to peace efforts. In 1950, as American soldiers were closing in on the 38th parallel, the Indian Ambassador received a summons from Premier Zhou Enlai of China. At the meeting, the Ambassador received a message, not intended for India, but for the United States and Britain. The message conveyed China's warning that it would intervene if American troops crossed the 38th parallel. Despite India's efforts to relay this warning, the Americans and British dismissed it, leading to a missed opportunity for averting further escalation.

India's Role at the United Nations:

India, a member of the United Nations, actively participated in diplomatic discussions regarding the Korean War. When the Security Council passed resolutions calling for the North Koreans to withdraw and providing assistance to South Korea, India voted in favor. However, when it came to granting full command over UN forces to the United States, India abstained. This decision reflected India's desire to maintain a balanced approach and not align too closely with any particular side in the conflict.

Medical Assistance and Humanitarian Aid:

Although India did not send combat troops to Korea, it made significant contributions in the field of healthcare. The 60th Parachute Field Ambulance, a medical unit from India, was deployed to provide medical assistance to wounded soldiers. The unit conducted over 2,300 surgeries and cared for approximately 200,000 injured soldiers. The dedication and professionalism of the Indian medical personnel earned praise from many Korean veterans.

India's Efforts in Prisoner Repatriation:

One of the crucial aspects of the Korean War was the issue of prisoners of war. At the height of the conflict, there were approximately 170,000 prisoners in UN custody. A disagreement arose between the United States and China regarding their repatriation. The United States advocated for individual choice, while China insisted on a full exchange. Sensing an opportunity to contribute to peace efforts, India appointed a special envoy, Krishna Menon, to find a solution.

Menon proposed the creation of a special commission with five members to handle the repatriation process. Prisoners who wished to return home would be allowed to do so, while those who did not would remain in UN custody. This proposal aimed at providing a fair and logical resolution to the issue. Although the plan was approved by the General Assembly, it faced opposition from the Soviet Union and ultimately failed due to Cold War politics.

India's Role as a Custodian and Protector:

Undeterred by setbacks, India continued its commitment to resolving the prisoner repatriation issue. When a ceasefire agreement was finally reached in 1953, India was appointed as the chair of the committee responsible for overseeing the safe return of prisoners. This mammoth task involved looking after the custody and welfare of around 170,000 prisoners of war in a foreign land.

India deployed five contingents to protect the prisoners, with four departing from Chennai by ship and one airlifted from Kolkata. These Indian soldiers were stationed on the southern side of the demilitarized zone in an area known as Hindu Nagar. Their orders were clear: don't engage, don't use force, and don't take sides. The Indian soldiers carried out their duties admirably, despite the challenging circumstances and occasional incidents of hostility.

The repatriation process was a complex endeavor, and not all prisoners wished to return home. Approximately 22,000 prisoners chose not to be repatriated, and India took custody of them. This responsibility of looking after a significant number of prisoners in a foreign land presented unique challenges. In November 1953, a few prisoners took Indian soldiers hostage, necessitating the personal intervention of General Timaya. These incidents underscored the risks and dangers faced by the Indian soldiers involved in the operation.

India's Legacy and Lessons Learned:

In the end, India's diplomatic efforts and contributions played a significant role in facilitating the end of the Korean War. The war concluded with an armistice in 1953, but the absence of a peace deal has perpetuated tensions on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea's nuclear ambitions and ongoing missile tests indicate that the dream of a unified Korea remains elusive.

The experience of India in the Korean War highlights the importance of diplomacy, particularly for a country like India that values a non-aligned and neutral foreign policy. India's commitment to quiet diplomacy, even in the absence of direct strategic interests, demonstrates the potential of such an approach in facilitating peacemaking. The Korean War serves as a reminder that success in politics and diplomacy lies in perseverance and the willingness to explore peaceful solutions.


India's forgotten role in the Korean War sheds light on the significance of smaller nations in resolving conflicts through diplomatic efforts. As a young democracy, India played a multifaceted role as a messenger, peace broker, negotiator, and custodian of prisoners of war. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, India remained committed to finding peaceful solutions and contributed to the eventual conclusion of the war.

The Korean War stands as a testament to the importance of diplomacy and the potential for neutral nations to act as mediators. India's experiences during this conflict offer valuable lessons that resonate to this day. By continuing to embrace diplomacy and peaceful solutions, India can contribute to the resolution of conflicts and work towards a more peaceful world.


Ninteen forty five the Korean Peninsula looks like this no North or South just one single Korea the Japanese had been driven out of the country so someone had to take charge the U.S and Soviet Union jammed at the chance they carved up the country the Soviets would control the north the U. S would control the south in the middle was this line the 38th parallel even today divides North and South Korea but that was not the original plan the plan was to leave the peninsula to let the Koreans figure things out unfortunately that never happened the cold war came in between the North became communist the South became anti-communist but still one question remained who is the real Korea the north decided to fight it out they sent around 75 000 soldiers to invade the South enter the United States they did what they do best they intervened and that's how the Korean war broke out the first conflict of the Cold War you may have heard the story but did you know that India played a key role in this war New Delhi juggled many hats messenger peace broker negotiator and prisoner of war custodian it's a forgotten story of how a young democracy tried to prevent World War III the date is October 2nd 1950 American soldiers are on the March they're closing in on the 38th parallel thousands of kilometers away in Beijing the Communists are worried what if the war spills over around midnight the Indian Ambassador gets a summon Premier Zhu and Lai wanted to meet at this meeting the Ambassador got a message it wasn't for India though the message was for the U.S and Britain if American troops crossed the 38th parallel China will intervene that was the message or come to think of it the warning the Indian Ambassador noted it at around 1 30 am he cabled it to then prime minister jawaharlal nehru now you may be thinking why go to all this trouble why not tell the Americans directly because they had no ambassadors the U.S did not recognize the Communist Regime in Beijing for them the regime was in Taiwan so no diplomatic Channels with Beijing existed hence the message by India nehru sent this message to the U.S and Britain they did not take it seriously the Americans thought it was Communist propaganda or maybe panic mongering from India either way they ignored it big mistake Weeks Later China entered the battlefield it was now a much bigger War South Korea and the U. S on one side North Korea and China on the other I point my finger at these representatives of the Chinese Communist Regime and I ask why do they come here with unclean ends I ask again why does this group come here with the hands that drip with the blood the blood of the United Nations troops the blood of the Korean people in New Delhi nehru was angry and worried angry because the Americans ignored him worried because the war was escalating India had all sorts of concerns what if the Soviet Union entered the battle what if other Asian countries were Dragged In so India decided to play Peacemaker meanwhile in New York a diplomatic battle was unfolding here at the United Nations it is also our duty to look beyond the conflict and to find means whereby peace and unity can be restored in Korea in our views they must no longer be South Koreans and North Koreans the just Korean who must be encouraged to work together to rebuild that country with the advice and the help and the support of the United Nations when the war broke out the security Council passed three resolutions first the North Koreans should withdraw India voted in favor second give assistance to South Korea again India voted in favor third give America full command over the U.N forces in the abstained how did these resolutions get passed because the Soviet Union was not there it was boycotting the UNSC at that time Taiwan still held China seat on the council so Stalin said we won't participate India never sent fighting troops to Korea but it deployed the 60th parachute field ambulance and they did fantastic work they held around 200 000 wounded soldiers also conducted more than 2 300 surgeries many Korean veterans had great things to say about India months later Soviet Union return to the UNSC so no more resolutions Stalin's delegation vetoed everything what did the Americans do well they shifted to the general assembly they created a special committee for ceasefire it had three members including India the general assembly approved their proposals but China did not then in 1951 the general assembly voted to sanction China it seemed like a dead end as if no one wanted peace U.S president Harry Truman threatened to use nuclear bombs in Korea irresponsible yes but listen to what Mao zidong said in response Mao said China has a population of 600 million even if half of them are killed we had 300 million left slow claps for China's greatest Statesman as the war escalated India almost gave up then in 1952 there was hope again it had nothing to do with mature leadership though it's just that no one was winning so both sides decided to give peace a shot they met in a village called panmunjon near the border fun fact if North and South Korea ever want to talk they still go to this Village it's also where Donald Trump met Kim Jong-un anyway in 1952 there was an agreement on most issues except one prisoners of War there were 170 000 prisoners in U.N custody America said give them a choice let them decide if they want to return home China disagreed it wanted a full Exchange that's when India got cracking again it appointed a special Envoy to find a solution Menon his specialty no one liked him neither the West nor the Communists menon's proposal was this let's create a special commission to handle the prisoners with five members prisoners who wanted to return could do so those who did not would be in U.N custody it was a logical and fair proposal but this was the Cold War logic wasn't exactly in much demand the general assembly approved the plan the Soviets did not diplomacy failed the fighting resumed more innocent people died thousands were injured and displaced then in 1953 Common Sense prevailed North and South Korea signed an armistice but what about the prisoners a new version of Krishna menon's plan was adopted a new committee was set up India was appointed chair it was a mammoth task many countries questioned India's capacity they doubted whether India could pull it off remember this was 1953 India had been free for just six years so to handle the repatriation of a hundred and seventy thousand prisoners was a big task and hanging in the balance was World Peace no pressure I guess India sent five contingents to protect the prisoners of War four left on a ship from Chennai one was airlifted from Kolkata the repatriation committee was headed by this man left in general a legend of the Indian army still among the best officers we've ever produced the soldiers deployed in Korea had clear orders don't engage don't use Force don't take sides from all accounts the soldiers did great the Indian soldiers they were based on the southern side of the demilitarized zone the area was called Hindu nagar so the troops were in place the camp was set and the orders were clear now to the tough part getting a hundred and seventy thousand prisoners home you would think it's easy after all who wouldn't want to go home after a war well think again around 22 000 prisoners did not want to return India got their custody can you imagine the situation looking after 22 000 prisoners of war in a foreign land it wasn't easy sometimes the prisoners acted out one incident in November 1953 stands out a few prisoners took Indian soldiers hostage General Timaya had to intervene himself it tells you how dangerous the job was nonetheless the Indian soldiers motored on they handed over the prisoners to various groups and countries finally just 88 remain they just won't go home guess what India did took them along those 88 prisoners returned to India with our soldiers 12 Chinese 74 North Koreans two South Koreans where are they now and many have left India to live in other countries some move to Germany others to Latin America but a few did stay back unfortunately their stories have not been documented thus ended a pretty intense conflict of the 20th century a young India successfully came out on top what are the experiences of 1950 teach us the importance of diplomacy especially for India we had no strategic interest or influence in Korea yet we helped in its own little way India pushed for peace and that Legacy is still alive take Ukraine for example India may not trumpet its plans like China that doesn't mean India doesn't care New Delhi has always believed in quiet diplomacy the key is to continue that India's neutrality isn't just a self-serving policy it can be a tool for peacemaking the Korean experience confirms that as for Seoul and Pyongyang there is much to learn they signed a ceasefire in July 1953 seven decades later there is no peace deal North Korea has become a nuclear Rogue State they fired over 23 projectiles this year so far and the dreams of a unified Courier look distant but like India showed in 1950 don't give up politics and diplomacy are all about trying success is secondary

Answer to Kerala Story claims Hindu Gods in English and Hindi

 यह रहा आपका भोजन दोस्तों और यह है आपका जैन भोजन बिना प्याज और लहसुन के धन्यवाद धन्यवाद क्षमा करें दोस्तों मुझे नहीं पता था कि आप लोगों में इस तरह की रस्म होती है हां, हमें प्रार्थना करनी चाहिए, हम हमेशा खाने से पहले भगवान से प्रार्थना करते हैं हां, अनुष्ठान नहीं लेकिन आध्यात्मिक हम पहले भगवान को भोग लगाते हैं और फिर प्रार्थना करते हैं और खाते हैं 

लेकिन आपका भगवान यहां कैसे आ सकता है और खा सकता है? जैसे वह आपकी प्रार्थना सुन सकता है वह यहां आकर खा भी सकता है भगवान का रूप व्यक्तिगत है अगर वह अपने कानों से सुन सकता है तो वह मुंह से आकर खा भी सकता है उसके कान और मुंह है शालिनी, क्या आप खाने से पहले प्रार्थना नहीं करती हैं? नहीं, लेकिन मेरे चाचा ने एक बार मुझसे कहा था कि हमें अन्न और किसानों के भगवान का शुक्रिया अदा करना चाहिए, आपका मतलब अन्नपूर्णा देवी से है क्या? अन्न के देवता हां, हमें उसका और किसानों का शुक्रिया अदा करना चाहिए 

लेकिन मैं जड़ों को सींचने में विश्वास करता हूं हम हमेशा सृष्टि की सराहना करते हैं लेकिन हम निर्माता की सराहना करना भूल जाते हैं इसके बारे में सोचें अगर पानी, हवा, मिट्टी या धरती मां नहीं होगी तो किसान क्या करेगा करना? तो मेरा मानना है कि हमें सृष्टिकर्ता प्रभु का धन्यवाद करना चाहिए जो हमें सभी मूलभूत आवश्यकताएं प्रदान कर रहा है आप सभी किसका धन्यवाद करेंगे? 

आपके पास भगवान के 33 करोड़ हैं बताओ आप सब किसका शुक्रिया अदा करोगे ? और शालिनी, तुम किस पर विश्वास करती हो? मैं किसी भी भगवान को नहीं मानता लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि शिव एक बड़े भगवान हैं देखिए, मुझे बहुत खेद है लेकिन आपने उस महान भगवान की कहानी सुनी होगी जहां वह अपनी मृत पत्नी को अपने कंधों पर लेकर घूम रहे हैं और पूरे भारत का दौरा कर रहे हैं अब आप ही बताइये क्या भगवान वही आम आदमी हो सकता है जो अपनी पत्नी की मौत पर रोता है? 

ठीक है, शायद मैं इस कहानी के बारे में ज्यादा नहीं जानता लेकिन वह बहुत प्रसिद्ध है और उत्तर में रामजी भी बहुत प्रसिद्ध हैं आप उसकी कहानी जानते होंगे सभी जानते हैं कि रावण अपनी पत्नी को ले गया हाँ, मुझे पता है अब आप मुझे बताएं कि क्या वह भगवान हैं? वह अपनी पत्नी को भी नहीं बचा सकता उसे अपनी पत्नी को बचाने के लिए बंदरों की मदद की जरूरत है और आप उन बंदरों की भी पूजा करते हैं, हुह मुझे खेद है और गीता, आप कृष्ण को मानते हैं वह हर लड़की के साथ रासलीला करता था। चरित्र तुम्हारे भगवान के पास है जो हर लड़की के प्यार में पड़ जाता है? और उसने अपनी जन्मभूमि छोड़ दी क्योंकि वह डर गया था क्या भगवान कभी डरता है? और अगर वह डरा हुआ है तो वह आपकी मदद कैसे करेगा? 

यह बहुत जटिल और भ्रमित करने वाला है यह भ्रमित करने वाला है क्योंकि आप गलत रास्ते पर चल रहे हैं यह बहुत सुंदर और पवित्र है मैं आपको सही रास्ता दिखाऊंगा आसिफा मुझे पता है कि आप क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं और शालिनी, कुछ भी भ्रमित नहीं है आप जानते हैं कि क्या समस्या है है? आप नहीं जानते क्योंकि आपने कभी शास्त्र नहीं पढ़े हैं आप कैसे जानेंगे कि क्या सही है और क्या गलत? भगवान की दिव्य गतिविधियों और लीलाओं को समझना इतना आसान नहीं है उसके लिए आपको शास्त्रों का अध्ययन करना होगा और वह भी एक प्रामाणिक गुरु के अधीन 

अब यदि आपने शास्त्रों को पढ़ा होता तो आप जानते होंगे कि भगवान शिव ने जो भावनाएँ दिखाईं उनमें ग़म नहीं था जुदाई थी जुदाई? क्या वे वही नहीं हैं? दु:ख भौतिक है और वियोग आध्यात्मिक है। 

जीवित न मरे हुओं के लिए भगवद गीता, अध्याय 2, पाठ 11 अपनों की मृत्यु पर आंसू बहाना दु:ख है लेकिन रामायण देखते समय जो आंसू निकलते हैं वह वियोग है और इस वियोग से ईश्वर के प्रति हमारा प्रेम बढ़ जाता है। जिस तरह से भगवान शिव ने दिखाया था विरह उसी तरह, 

भगवान राम भी माता सीता के गायब होने के बाद विरह में रो रहे थे और यही नहीं सीता देवी इतनी पवित्र हैं कि उन्हें कोई छू भी नहीं सकता था, सिवाय भगवान राम रावण के, जिसे वह अपने साथ ले गए थे, छाया थे सीता देवी असली सीता देवी आग के अंदर चली गईं। और अग्निपरीक्षा के समय वह निकल आई 

और आसिफा, तुम क्या कह रही थीं? भगवान राम को अपनी पत्नी को बचाने के लिए बंदरों की मदद लेनी पड़ी मेरा मतलब है, भगवान सर्वशक्तिमान हैं, है ना? हाँ, मेरा मतलब है, वह उसे अकेले ही मार सकता था शालिनी, अगर तुमने कभी रामायण पढ़ी होती, तो तुम्हें पता होता जब खर और दूषण अपने 15,000 राक्षसों के साथ आए थे जो मनुष्यों को खाते थे, अकेले भगवान राम ने बिना किसी की मदद के, उन सभी को मार डाला है। 

भगवान राम के लिए रावण को मारना मुश्किल? हां, लेकिन बाद में उसने बंदरों का सहारा क्यों लिया? उन्हें अपनी सेवा में लगाने के लिए उनका वैभव बढ़ाने के लिए उन्होंने एक छोटी सी गिलहरी तक को अपनी सेवा में लगा लिया था क्या? 

वैसे भी आपने कभी पढ़ा होता तो पता होता और हम हनुमान जी की पूजा करते हैं क्योंकि उनके भक्त ही भगवान तक पहुंचने का रास्ता हैं। आप अपनी मां के सामने खुश हैं ना? बिंदु इसी तरह, भगवान हमसे खुश होते हैं जब हम उनके भक्तों की सेवा और पूजा करते हैं 

और जहां तक ​​33 करोड़ देवी-देवताओं की बात है आसिफा, मुझे बताओ, फिल्मों में आपकी पसंदीदा शैली क्या है? मनोवैज्ञानिक थ्रिलर और शालिनी, आपकी? रोमांटिक और कॉमेडी ठीक उसी तरह जैसे हर किसी की अपनी प्रकृति के अनुसार एक पसंदीदा विधा होती है उसी तरह भगवान ने वेद और पुराणों को उनके स्वभाव के अनुसार प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के लिए दिया है। और लोग उन पुराणों का पालन करके अपने देवी-देवताओं की ओर आकर्षित होते हैं और ये सभी देवी-देवता भगवान की सेवा कर रहे हैं जैसे, प्रकाश का देवता सूर्य है, वायु का देवता वायु है, वर्षा का देवता इंद्र है जैसे, इतने सारे पद हैं एक सरकार चलाने के लिए इसी तरह, इस पूरे ब्रह्मांड को चलाने के लिए अलग-अलग देवताओं और डेमी देवियों की आवश्यकता होती है, 

अर्थात, वे अपने पद का दुरुपयोग करेंगे, वे किसी भी लड़की के साथ कुछ भी करेंगे, वे रासलीला करेंगे, आसिफा, अब आप सीमा पार कर रहे हैं, 

आप क्या जानते हैं कृष्ण के बारे में? जो लोग कहते हैं कि कृष्ण रासलीला कर रहे हैं और जब हम कर रहे हैं तो यह ढीला चरित्र है उन्हें भागवतम पढ़ने के लिए कहें 

पहले भगवान ने रासलीला से ठीक पहले गोवर्धन पर्वत उठाया था उनसे कहें कि जाओ और पहले गोवर्धन पर्वत उठाओ उन्होंने पूतना को मारते ही मारा था 

पैदा हुआ बच्चा मच्छर भी नहीं मार सकता रेंगते हुए मुंह में दिखाया था ब्रह्मांड क्या तुम मुंह में अपना हॉस्टल भी दिखा सकती हो आसिफा? 

क्या आप जानते हैं कि द्वारिका में भगवान कृष्ण की 16,108 रानियां थीं और उन सभी के अपने महल थे और भगवान कृष्ण हर महल में सबके साथ रहते थे, साथ ही हर दिन सभी रानियां कृष्ण और कृष्ण से खुश रहती थीं। क्या यह एक सामान्य व्यक्ति के लिए संभव है? आज एक भी व्यक्ति एक भी पत्नी को नहीं संभाल सकता लेकिन उस समय सभी रानियां एक दूसरे के साथ खुश रहती थी और कृष्ण उन्हें खुश रखते थे क्यों? क्योंकि वह भगवान हैं

 और जहाँ तक ब्रज की लड़कियों के साथ रासलीला करने का सवाल है, बस इतना जान लीजिए कि रासलीला के दौरान लाखों गोपियाँ थीं और नृत्य के दौरान हर एक गोपी के साथ कृष्ण मौजूद थे और वह उनके साथ एक समय में लाखों लोगों के साथ नृत्य कर रहे थे। गोपियों के बारे में यह सब वास्तव में गहरा है और यह सब तब पता चलेगा

 जब साधुओं के साथ रहने से शास्त्रों की शिक्षा दी जाएगी, हवा में तीर चलाने या सुनी-सुनाई बातों पर विश्वास करने से कुछ नहीं होगा 

और जहाँ तक अपने भक्तों को बचाने की बात है तो भगवान बच जाते हैं उनके भक्त परीक्षित महाराज अपनी गर्भावस्था में उन्होंने प्रह्लाद महाराज के लिए नरसिंह का अवतार लाया, जो 5 साल के थे और उन्हें बचाया उन्होंने अपने गुरु, सांदीपनि मुनि के बेटे को भी उनकी मृत्यु के बाद वापस लाया और उन्हें वापस जीवन में लाया मैं वास्तव में प्रभावित हूं 

मैं हिन्दू होते हुए भी इन तथ्यों को नहीं जानता था मेरे माता-पिता ने मुझे इन सब बातों के बारे में कभी नहीं बताया हाँ, यह माता-पिता की गलती है लेकिन हम वही कर रहे हैं जो उन्होंने किया हम अपनी संस्कृति के बारे में नहीं सीख रहे हैं रामायण, महाभारत या नहीं पढ़ रहे हैं भगवद गीता इन दिनों इन सभी चीजों को पढ़ना आसान है और हमारे फोन पर सब कुछ उपलब्ध है और समस्या यह है कि हम सीखना नहीं चाहते हैं और इसलिए हम जो कुछ भी कहते हैं उस पर विश्वास करते हैं और अपनी मान्यताओं को बदलने के लिए तैयार हो जाते हैं 

वास्तव में, यदि आप किसी का हृदय परिवर्तन करना है तो प्रेम से करो, ज्ञान से करो, धन और तलवार से नहीं और अब बारी तुम्हारी है यदि तुम भी चाहते हो कि कोई भी कुछ भी फालतू कहकर तुम्हें मूर्ख न बनाए, जाओ और अपनी संस्कृति के बारे में सीखो, शास्त्रों को पढ़ो और अपने बच्चों को भी पढ़ाएं 

और अगर आप खुद बच्चे हैं, तो यहां अपना समय बर्बाद न करें यह वीडियो खत्म हो गया है, भगवद गीता पढ़ें, थोड़ा अध्ययन करें, एक भक्त बनें और अपने फोन का उपयोग करना बंद करें आप हमेशा अपने फोन पर रहते हैं मजाक के अलावा, मैं सोचिये आपको संदेश मिल गया इसलिए अपने शास्त्रों को जितना हो सके पढ़ें संस्कृति के बारे में जानें और इस वीडियो को जितना हो सके शेयर करें ताकि कोई भी लड़का या लड़की केरल की इस कहानी का शिकार न बने, देखने के लिए बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। हरे कृष्णा।

Answer to kerala story claims hindu gods in english

how many hindu girl converted to islam in india every year

kerala muslim convert to hindu

the kerala story

athira kerala conversion

hindu vs muslim in kerala

hadiya kerala

nimisha fathima

Here's your food guys  And this is your Jain food  Without onion and garlic  Thank you  Thank You Sorry guys  I didn't know that you guys have this kind of ritual  Yes, we should pray, We always pray to God before eating  Yes, not ritual but spiritual  We offer food to God first  And then we pray and eat  But how can your God come here and eat?  Just like he can hear your prayers  He can also come here and eat  God's form is personal  If he can hear with his ears  He can also come and eat with his mouth He has ears and mouth  Shalini, don't you pray before eating?  No, but my uncle told me once  That we should thank God of food and farmers  You mean Annapurna Devi  What?  God of food  Yes, we should thank her and the farmers  But I believe in watering the roots  We always appreciate creation  But we forget to appreciate the creator  Think about it  If there is no water, air, soil, or mother earth  What will the farmer do?  So I believe that we should be thanking the creator  The Lord who is providing us with all the basic necessities Point  Who all will you thank?  You have 33 crores of God  Tell me, who all will you thank?  And Shalini, who do you believe in?  I don't believe in any God  But I think Shiva is a big God  See, I am very sorry  But you must have heard the story of the great God  Where he is carrying his dead wife on his shoulders  And is touring the whole of India  Now you tell me  Can God be the same common man who cries over his wife's death?  Okay, maybe  I don't know much about this story  But he is very famous And Ramji is also very famous in the North  You must know his story  Everyone knows that Ravan took his wife  Yes, I know  Now you tell me  Is he God? He can't even save his wife  He needs the help of the monkeys to save his wife  And you worship those monkeys also, huh I am sorry  And Geeta, you  You believe in Krishna  he used to do rasalila with every girl  What kind of a character your God has who falls in love with every girl? And he left his birthplace because he was scared Does God ever get scared? And how will he help you if he is scared?  this is so complicated and confusing  It is confusing because you are following the wrong path  It is very beautiful and sacred  I will show you the right path  Enough Asifa  I know what you are trying to do  And Shalini, nothing is confusing  You know what the problem is?  You don't know because you have never read the scriptures  How will you know what is right and what is wrong?  It is not so easy to understand the divine activities and pastimes of the Lord For that, you have to study the scriptures  And that too, under an authentic guru  Now if you had read the scriptures  You would have known that the emotions that Lord Shiva showed  in them were not sorrow  It was separation  Separation?  Aren't they the same?  Let's start from the basics  Sorrow is material and separation is spiritual  Sorrow makes you feel sad  Whereas, the feeling of transcendental separation  It makes you feel happy  In Bhagavad Gita, the person who is in sorrow is called a fool A wise man never laments for the living nor for the dead  Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Text 11  It is a sorrow to shed tears on the death of a loved one  But the tears that come out while watching Ramayana  That is separation  And with this separation, our love for God increases  So, the way Lord Shiva showed separation  Similarly, Lord Ram was also crying in separation after Mother Sita disappeared And not only this  Sita Devi is so pure that no one could even touch her except Lord Ram Ravan, who he took with him, was the shadow Sita Devi The real Sita Devi went inside the fire. And she came out during the fire test  And Asifa, what were you saying?  Lord Ram had to take the help of monkeys to save his wife  I mean, God is all-powerful, right?  Yes, I mean, he could have killed her alone  Shalini, if you had ever read Ramayana, you would have known  When Khar and Dushan came with their 15,000 demons  Who used to eat humans  Lord Ram alone, without anyone's help, killed them all  Is it difficult to kill Ravan for Lord Ram?  Yes, but why did he take the help of monkeys later? To put them in his service  To increase their glory  He had put even a small squirrel in his service  What?  You would have known if you had ever read it  Anyway  And we worship Lord Hanuman because  His devotees are the way to reach God  When God sees that my devotees are getting glorified Or someone is doing service, then he becomes very happy  Like, if I praise you in front of your mom  She is happy, right?  Point  Similarly, God is happy with us  When we serve and worship his devotees  And as far as 33 crore of the Gods and Goddesses are concerned Asifa, tell me, what is your favorite genre in movies?  Psychological Thriller  And Shalini, yours?  Romantic and Comedy  Exactly  Like everyone has a favorite genre according to their nature  Similarly, God has given Vedas and Puranas  According to their nature for each person  And people are attracted to their God and Goddesses  By following those Puranas  And all these Gods and Goddesses are serving God  Like, the God of light is Sun The demigod of air is Vayu The demigod of rain is Indra Like, there are so many positions to run a government Similarly, to run this whole universe  Different Demigods and Demi goddesses are needed  That means, they will misuse their position  They will do anything with any girl  They will do Rasleela  Stop it, Asifa  Now you are crossing the line  What do you know about Krishna?  Those who say that Krishna is doing Rasleela  And when we are doing it is loose character Tell them to read Bhagavatam first  God had raised Govardhan Mount just before Rasleela  Tell them to go and pick up Govardhan Mountain first  He had killed Putana as soon as he was born A child cannot kill even a mosquito When he was crawling, he had shown the universe in his mouth  Can you show even your hostel in your mouth, Asifa? Do you know that in Dwarka, there were 16,108 queens of Lord Krishna And all of them had their own palaces  And Lord Krishna used to be with everyone in every palace  At the same time, every day, all the queens were happy with Krishna  And Krishna used to fulfill their needs  Is this possible for a normal person?  Today, not a single person can handle even one wife But at that time, all the queens were happy with each other  And Krishna used to keep them happy  Why? Because he is God  And as far as doing raslila with the Braj girls is concerned Just know that during Rasleela, there were millions of gopis  And Krishna was present with every single gopi throughout the dance And he was dancing with them  At one time, with millions of gopis  All of this is really deep  And all this will be known only when  The scriptures will be taught by being with the sadhus  Nothing will happen by shooting arrows in the air or believing in hearsay And as far as saving his devotees are concerned  God saved his devotee Parikshit Maharaj in his pregnancy  He brought the avatar of Narsimha for Prahlad Maharaj, who was 5 years old And saved him  He even brought back his guru, Sandipani Muni's son after his death And brought him back to life  I'm really impressed  I didn't know these facts even though I was a Hindu  My parents never told me about all these things  Yes, it's the parents' fault  But we are doing the same thing they did We are not learning about our culture  Not reading Ramayana, Mahabharata or Bhagavad Gita  It's easy to read all these things these days  And everything is available on our phones  And the problem is that we don't want to learn  And that's why we believe in whatever someone says  And get ready to change our beliefs  Actually, if you want to transform someone's heart  Do it with love, with knowledge  Not with money and a sword  And now it's your turn  If you also want that anyone by saying anything rubbish should not make a fool of you Go and learn about your culture  Read the scriptures and teach your children too  And if you are a kid yourself, don't waste your time here  This video is over  Go, read Bhagavad Gita, study a little  Become a devotee and stop using your phone  You are always on your phone  Jokes apart, I think you got the message  So read your scriptures as much as you can  Learn about the culture and share this video as much as you can  So that no boy or girl becomes a prey to this Kerala story Thank you so much for watching. Hare Krishna.