Monday, May 22, 2023

सबसे पुरानी, सबसे पूर्ण हिब्रू बाइबिल जो 600 वर्षों से गायब हो गई थी, रिकॉर्ड $ 38 मिलियन में बिकी

  • एक प्राचीन हिब्रू बाइबिल न्यूयॉर्क में सोथबी के नीलामी घर में $ 38 मिलियन में बेची गई है।
  • लगभग 900 ईस्वी में लिखा गया प्राचीन पाठ हिब्रू बाइबिल की सबसे पूर्ण प्रारंभिक प्रतिलिपि है।
  • नीलामी घर ने इसे "निजी हाथों में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रारंभिक बाइबिल पांडुलिपि" के रूप में वर्णित किया है।
  • दुनिया की सबसे पुरानी हिब्रू बाइबिल न्यूयॉर्क में सोथबी के नीलामी घर में $ 38 मिलियन में बेची गई थी।

सोथबी के अनुसार, प्राचीन चमड़े से बंधा, हस्तलिखित चर्मपत्र वॉल्यूम, जो लगभग 900 ईस्वी का है, "हिब्रू बाइबिल की लगभग संपूर्णता को शामिल करता है," जिससे यह अस्तित्व में सबसे पूर्ण प्रारंभिक प्रतिलिपि बन जाती है।

इनसाइडर्स लक्ष्मी वाराणसी ने पहले बताया था कि इसे कोडेक्स ससून के नाम पर जाना जाता है - इसका नाम इसके पूर्व मालिक डेविड सोलोमन ससून के नाम पर रखा गया है, जो एक कलेक्टर थे, जिन्होंने 20 वीं शताब्दी में जुडाइका और हेब्राइका पांडुलिपियों का एक महत्वपूर्ण संग्रह एकत्र किया था।

इसे अमेरिकी वकील और पूर्व राजदूत अल्फ्रेड मूसा को बोली लगाने के 10 मिनट बाद बेचा गया था, जो इसे इजरायल के तेल अवीव में यहूदी लोगों के एएनयू संग्रहालय को दान करेंगे।

द फाइनेंशियल टाइम्स के अनुसार, यह राशि 31 में दा विंची के कोडेक्स लीसेस्टर के लिए माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के बिल गेट्स द्वारा भुगतान किए गए $ 1994 मिलियन से अधिक थी। अरबपति सिटाडेल के संस्थापक केन ग्रिफिन ने 2021 में एक ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेज का रिकॉर्ड बनाया जब उन्होंने अमेरिकी संविधान की मूल मुद्रित प्रति के लिए $ 43 मिलियन का भुगतान किया।

डलास में दक्षिणी मेथोडिस्ट विश्वविद्यालय की वेबसाइट के अनुसार, कोडेक्स ससून को दो साल की अवधि में एक अज्ञात मास्टर स्क्राइब द्वारा लिखा गया था, जिसने पिछले महीने अपनी ब्रिडवेल लाइब्रेरी में बेशकीमती बाइबिल प्रदर्शित की थी।

एक दूसरे विद्वान ने 13 वीं शताब्दी में नोट्स जोड़े जब इसे सीरिया में एक आराधनालय में रखा गया था। जब आक्रमणकारियों ने आराधनालय को नष्ट कर दिया, तो यहूदी समुदाय के एक सदस्य ने इसे फिर से बनाने पर वापस करने के लिए सुरक्षित रखने के लिए छिपा दिया। एसएमयू वेबसाइट ने कहा कि यह कभी नहीं था, और कोडेक्स आधिकारिक तौर पर 600 वर्षों के लिए गायब हो गया जब तक कि यह 1929 में दिखाई नहीं दिया और डेविड ससून द्वारा खरीदा गया था।

दसवीं शताब्दी से जीवित रहने वाली एकमात्र अन्य लगभग पूर्ण हिब्रू बाइबिल को अलेप्पो कोडेक्स के रूप में जाना जाता है, जिसे सोथबी के अनुसार 930 ईस्वी के आसपास बनाया गया था। हालांकि, पांडुलिपि का लगभग दो-पांचवां हिस्सा 1940 के दशक के अंत और 1950 के दशक के अंत के बीच खो गया था, जिसके तहत नीलामी घर ने "रहस्यमय परिस्थितियों" के रूप में वर्णित किया था।

इसलिए, नीलामी घर का कहना है कि लगभग 800 पन्नों का कोडेक्स ससून "निश्चित रूप से निजी हाथों में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रारंभिक बाइबिल पांडुलिपि है।

इसमें हिब्रू बाइबिल की 24 पुस्तकें शामिल हैं, जिन्हें टोरा, या "पेंटाटेक," नेविम, या "भविष्यद्वक्ताओं" और केतुविम, या "लेखन" में विभाजित किया गया है। हिब्रू बाइबल उस बात का आधार है जिसे ईसाई पुराने नियम कहते हैं।

एसोसिएटेड प्रेस के अनुसार, सोथबी के जूडाइका विशेषज्ञ शेरोन लिबरमैन मिंट्ज़ ने कहा कि 38 मिलियन डॉलर का विशाल मूल्य टैग "हिब्रू बाइबिल की गहन शक्ति, प्रभाव और महत्व को दर्शाता है, जो मानवता का एक अनिवार्य स्तंभ है।"

"Codex Sassoon: The $50 Million Bible and Its Unprecedented Historical Significance"

In a landmark event for bibliophiles and collectors, the Codex Sassoon, an extraordinary piece of literary history, is set to be auctioned at Sotheby's in May 2023. Renowned as the earliest and most complete Hebrew Bible ever discovered, this exceptional manuscript has the potential to become the most valuable text ever sold at auction, with an estimated price range of $30 to $50 million.

Sotheby's spokesperson expressed their confidence in the estimate, asserting that it accurately reflects the immense significance of this priceless treasure. Drawing comparisons to other notable manuscripts, such as the Codex Leicester, which was sold to Bill Gates for $30 million, and the Constitution, which fetched $43 million in 2021, the spokesperson emphasized that the Codex Sassoon stands alone in its unparalleled historical importance.

The Codex Sassoon, believed to have been written in the late 9th or early 10th century, is a testament to the transmission of the most precise and accurate text of the Hebrew Bible—the Divine word of God. Unlike other ancient manuscripts, the Codex Sassoon boasts a remarkable completeness, containing every book of the Hebrew Bible, except for a mere 15 chapters.

Its unique value lies not only in its comprehensive nature but also in the meticulous inclusion of vowel points and cancellation marks, which provide essential guidance for the proper intonation and interpretation of the text. While the Dead Sea Scrolls contain fragments and portions of biblical texts, the Codex Sassoon presents the complete Hebrew Bible, showcasing the stability and standardization of its form.

The manuscript's provenance adds another layer of fascination. Over the centuries, various owners of the Codex Sassoon added records of sale to its pages, allowing experts to trace its remarkable journey through time. From its private ownership in the 11th century, witnessed by the deed of gift from around the year 1000, to its acquisition by David Solomon Sassoon in 1929 and subsequent ownership by institutions like the synagogue and Maki sin in the 13th and 14th centuries, this manuscript has been held in high regard throughout history.

Interest in the Codex Sassoon has garnered attention from across the globe, with both institutions and private individuals expressing a keen desire to acquire this unparalleled artifact. Its enduring condition, despite being over a thousand years old, is a testament to the quality of its craftsmanship. Made from an estimated 200 sheepskins, its parchment pages are remarkably resilient, capable of lasting indefinitely if kept in moderate humidity.

One notable aspect is the recommended method for handling the Codex Sassoon. Instead of using gloves, conservators around the world advise turning its pages with perfectly clean hands, as the tactile connection provides better control and reduces the risk of accidental damage.

Beyond its historical and religious significance, the Codex Sassoon holds a deep and profound resonance for people of various faiths. Opening its pages allows one to witness the millennia-old text of the Hebrew Bible in its unaltered form, evoking a powerful connection with the past and reaffirming its enduring relevance.

As the auction date draws near, the anticipation surrounding the Codex Sassoon continues to grow. Whether it finds a new home in an institution or in the hands of a private collector, the sale of this extraordinary manuscript is poised to make a lasting mark on the annals of bibliographic history, reaffirming its status as a priceless testament to the written word.

This $50 Million Bible Could Be The Most Valuable Text Ever Sold At Auction 

Foreign one of the world's greatest treasures 

the Codex Sassoon is the earliest most complete Hebrew Bible ever discovered in May 2023 it will go up for sale at Sotheby's and it could become the most expensive book or manuscript ever sold at auction the estimate for codex has soon is 30 to 50 million dollars this is the highest price that we've ever placed on a book of manuscript but we believe that this estimate correctly reflects the signal importance of this great treasure with all great Treasures it takes considerable thought to arrive at the exact estimate we thought about other comparable books and manuscripts that have sold in the past for example codex leister which is the da Vinci codex the manuscript which is now owned by Bill Gates and sold for 30 million dollars thought about the Constitution which says be sold in 2021 of which there were 15 copies sold for 43 million dollars here we have a manuscript which has no equal it has no parallels there aren't any other early Witnesses which contain this entire text what we have here is a remarkable witness to the transmission of the most exact accurate text of the Hebrew Bible the Divine word of God it is more complete than any other manuscript of this period if codex says soon sells from more than 43 million dollars it will become the single most expensive Booker manuscript ever sold the Codex was written in the late 9th or early 10th century and likely commissioned by a wealthy Patron who hired a single scribe to work on it for more than a year over the following centuries a handful of the Bible's owners added records of sale to its Pages which allowed experts to trace its provenance this book has been owned privately by individuals as witnessed by the deed of gift from around the year 1000 also it was purchased by David Solomon Sassoon in 1929 and it's also been owned by institutions such as the synagogue and Maki sin around the 13th and 14th century and what's exciting to me is we've seen both institutions and private individuals approach us and express their interest from across the world what makes this manuscript so important is that this is the earliest extant example where we have every book of the Bible and it's stable and standardized form the Dead Sea Scrolls contain portions sometimes only fragments of biblical texts there's actually only one book of the entire Hebrew Bible which is complete and that is the great Scroll of Isaiah these Scrolls however do not contain any vowel points or any cancellation marks when these Bibles emerged they included all the cancellation marks which explained how one is to chant the text and often how you chance it it's not just about the singing but it's also about where you stop and where you start in a sentence which can make all the difference in the interpretation perhaps most significantly it contains the vowel points above and below each word on the page are all the different Hebrew vowels that allow us to understand exactly what word is meant in every single book of the Hebrew Bible every verse every book of the Hebrew Bible while this book is missing 15 out of the 929 chapters that make up the Hebrew Bible it is essentially complete every single book of the Hebrew Bible is found within the 729 pages of codexassoon despite being more than a thousand years old the Codex Sassoon is in remarkably good condition and it should stay that way it's parchment Pages which were made with an estimated 200 sheepskins can last forever if they're kept at moderate humidity and you don't even need to wear gloves to touch it one of the questions I'm asked is how you can turn the pages of this manuscript without gloves conservators around the world believe that when you put gloves on you lose the tactility it's much harder to turn the pages and you might end up ripping something or bending one of the leaves in an effort to turn the pages so current conservational thinking is that it's much better to actually turn the pages with perfectly Clean Hands thank you this book really resonates it's it's deeply powerful people of many religions and faith look at it and feel a deep connection when they open up and look at the pages and can see a millennia of the text of the Hebrew Bible sitting in front of them it's in remarkably good condition and we think that it could be bought either institutionally or privately or there could be private donors who wish to purchase a foreign institution I think everything is possible at this point foreign.

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