Thursday, December 16, 2021

How to Start Algo Trading in Alice Blue 100% FREE?

So my dear friends, nowadays everyone is looking for algo trading.

So here in this article, I’ll show you five ways of algo trading and all these websites,

all these services who are providing algo trading or automated trading, all are using

Alice Blue.

So now dear friends, why Alice Blue is so popular in Algo trading?

The only reason is that their API, their trading API is absolutely free of cost.

When the other brokers are charging money for the APIs is like zerodha is charging 2000

rupees per month for a retail trader to use their trading API.

Upstox is charging Rs 885 per month from a retail trader for using their trading API.

Whereas Alice blue is providing it absolutely free of cost.

So if you are using an algo trading site and algo trading service, they will be charging

you something.

Suppose they will charge you Rs 1000 or 1,500 per month to use their platform and to use

their strategies.

Plus if your broker also charges money for the API, it is a huge sum for a retail trader.

So, here I’ll show you how to save these API costs like 2000 rupees or Rs 1000.

You can save them per month using just Algo trading API from Alice blue.

So if you are not yet having an account in Alice blue, I’ll give you the link of the

account opening in the article description.

So from there you can open an account in Alice blue, and then you can start using the algo

trading API of Alice blue.

So dear friends, I’ll show you these five services where you can use these algo trading

API of Alice blue free of cost.

I’ll show you all about that.

But before that, this is the time first to subscribe to my channel.

Now friends, first, let us go to the Alice blue website.

So I have created a link for the Alice blue account opening page.

The link is

So now I'm going to this link and if you cannot remember this link, I'll also give you the

link in the article description.

So this is for them who are not having Alice blue account already, because we are going

to show you that algo trading in Alice blue.

And why Alice blue?

That I’ll also explain.

So first you need to register your details.

You need to put your name, your email, your state, and your mobile number, and then click

on open an account.

So here you need to confirm twice because once you put all the details, it will once

again, ask you to confirm your email and mobile.

So you need to confirm that.

So then the Alice blue persons will get in touch with you.

They will help you in the account opening.

And once your account is opened, and then you can start algo trading in Alice blue.

Now I'll go to the Alice blue homepage now.

So we are on the Alice blue homepage and you can see there is a link called trades tool.

So let me go to the trade store first, because these trade store itself is having many interesting


So you can see what are there in the Alice blue trade store.

So the first option is Algomojo, the web-based algo trading platform.

You can see the pricing is 2000 per month, and there is an offer.

This is a free 500 rupees value offer for 7 days.

You can, once your account is opened, you can either click on, learn more, or you can

get access.

So then, the next algo trading option is with Tradetron.

So here you can see, zero coding algo trading for everyone.

So once again, the pricing is Rs 1000 per month.

And in the offer, there is Rs 500 coupon, free for one strategy subscription.

So you can click on, learn more or you can get access.

So the next one, the next one is intraday fully automated trading bot.

And this is by

So you can see that rate is Rs 80/day, and there is an offer to get free one week trial

for all bots.

The next is Pickright.

This is bot for algo trading, but this is another service.

Then there is Algo Bridge.

Once again, this is for Algo trading.

So you can use these web based algo trading platform.

The price is 1499, or there is an offer of six days free trial.

Next, there is Alice IPO.

This is also not for algo trading.

Then there is small case.

So at Alice blue is also having small case.

Then there is trade action from Alice blue.

It is by sell signal software for NSE and MCX.

Then once again, there is Chart Bridge.

This is also algo platform for Alice blue.

So India’s first algo platform for Trading View charts, the pricing is Rs 99 per month.

Or in the offer, you can get free 30 days trial for paper trading.

Then there is once again Optimum.

Optimum is intraday based semi algo trading platform.

This is once again for at Alice blue subscribers, the pricing is Rs 399 per month.

And in the offer, there is six days full access free trial.

Then there is market trend.

So this is once again, intraday calls based on technical analysis.

This is not algo trading.

This is 450 per month, or there is a free one month trial pack.

Then there is

So this is India's number one next generation Sharemarket app.

So you can use if you are an Alice blue subscriber.

So pricing is Rs 499 per month.

And in the offer, there is free seven day trial pack.

Next, there is web-based strategic trading platform called web.

So the pricing is based on subscription and there is a free 6 days trial pack.

Next, there is the Alice blue ANT IQ strategy so you can gain from their perspectives.

So this is the pricing is free of cost.

This is from Alice blue website only.

And the offer, this is free for lifetime period.

So this ANT IQ is free of cost till you are trading with Alice blue.

The next one is at Alice blue mutual funds.

So you can directly buy zero commission mutual funds from Alice blue.

Once again, the pricing is zero for Alice blue clients and in the offer, that is, this

is free for lifetime.

Then there is sensibull for option traders in Alice blue.

The pricing is for light, this is 480 per month and for pro this is 780 per month.

And in the offer, there is free 14 days trial period.

The next one is small case.

So here, once again, you can invest in the small case.

Pricing is Rs 100 per small case buy and the offer is free of cost.

The next one is ticker-tape.

So you can use the ticker tape scanner to find the right stock faster and easier.

The pricing is pro plan Rs 100 per month.

So you can use all these products in that Alice blue trade store.

And I have already shown you, there are many algo trading software or algo trading platforms

associated with Alice blue.

So why Alice blue is associated with so many algo trading products?

Because the Alice blue API is free of cost.

So many companies have tied up with Alice blue, like algomojo, or tradetron or squareoff

or there are algobridge.

Then there are other algo trading platforms, Optimum.

So these all are algo trading platforms.

They have tied up with Alice blue.

Because Alice blue trading API is free of cost.

So investors or traders need not to pay anything extra.

Only they need to pay that algo trading charges, whatever charges the algo trading companies

are charging that only you need to pay.

The rest is free of cost.

As in zerodha, zerodha charges you Rs 2000 per month for algo trading, Upstox charge

you more than Rs 800 per month.

I feel it Rs 885 per month for algo trading.

Alice blue is free of cost.

So that's why Alice blue is so much popular for the algo trading companies.

They use the algo trading API of Alice blue free of cost.

And they just charge their nominal charges per month, whatever they charge for algo trading.

So this is all about the algo trading products that Alice blue is having.

So you can get them in the trade store.

And once again, I am repeating, you can get the account opening link of Alice blue in

the article description.

So from there you can directly open the account in Alice blue and you can then access the

trade store and you can choose your product, your algo trading product immediately.

So my dear friends, I have shown you the Alice blue trade store, what it is having.

It is having much more than algo trading because there are other services also.

But they are having five services that uses the Alice blue API that is available free

of cost.

So this is why Alice blue so popular in the algo trading world right now.

So dear friends, if you are not yet started algo trading, I’ll suggest you to use my

links open an account with Alice blue and start exploring the algo trading world.

Start exploring the way of making money while even you are sleeping, just fit the logic,

or the strategies with your broker.

Here it is Alice blue.

They will not charge a single paisa.

Just fit the strategies and leave the terminal.

Everything else will be taken care of by that strategies and algo trading platforms that

I have mentioned.

So dear friends I do come up with these kind of articles twice a week.

So if you are not yet subscribed to me in YouTube, do hit the subscribe button.

And also not forget to hit the Bell icon, because dear friends, in that case, you can

get my next article updates almost instantly.

And if you are having any queries, regarding this algo trading and how to use this Alice

blue algo trading API, do not forget to ask me in the article comments.

I do try to answer each and every comment.

And if this comment is too elaborative, I will try to make up new article.

So dear friends, ask me in comments, if you liked this article, do hit the like button,

share it with your friends and relatives.

And till I come up with the new article.

I wish you loads of luck.

Bye bye.

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