Thursday, December 16, 2021

How to Start Bitcoin Trade? Bitcoin is Legal in India or Not?

 So we'll come back friends. You guys are trading  in the stock markets. You guys are trading in  the futures market. You guys are trading in the  currency market or you guys are trading on the  MCX Exchange. That means you are trading  on the commodity's market. 

But now guys,  there are other opportunities of earning money,  there are other exchanges. So in this video,  I'll discuss about new openings on how you can  earn money by trading in the cryptocurrencies.  

Now guys, why I have not discussed this  cryptocurrency trading with you previously?  

This is because previously cryptocurrency  trading in India was illegal and  

few months back, the government has come up with  that circular that nowadays the cryptocurrency  

trading in India is not illegal. So guys, in this  video, I'll show you how you can make extra money  

and really extra money. Because Bitcoin trading,  trading in the cryptocurrencies is really  

a profitable business. So I'll show you how you  can also start trading in the cryptocurrencies?  

What are the pros? And what are the cons? And  I'll show you how to start trading in the Bitcoin  

in India. So guys, let me take you to a  Moneycontrol write up where I'll show you  

how Bitcoin trading is nowadays legal, whether  Bitcoin trading is illegal in India, not, and  

if it is legal, how much legal is it? So guys, let  me take you over to the Moneycontrol write up.  

So guys, this is the write up from Moneycontrol  and you can see the headline is cryptocurrencies.  

Even if legal invest only what  you can afford to lose. That means  

this is once again, very true in the stock market.  So invest only what you can afford to lose.  

So never invest something that you cannot  afford to lose, never invest such money  

that you require every now and then. So only  invest your sub plus capital for some extra income  

and this extra income can really be extra because  if you can learn the cryptocurrency trading, well,  

there are chances that you  can make a hell lot of money.  

So guys, I'll just show you the  main points here. You can see  

cryptocurrency is legal in India, not. So here,  This is not an easy question to answer, to be  

honest, the Indian government still, isn't very  sure about how to deal with this new phenomena.  

But you can see the Supreme Court of  India reversed RBI's ban of 2018.  

So nowadays cryptocurrency trading  is not banned in India. So this is  

legal. You can say this is semi legal, but the  problem is that, that cryptocurrency trading  

is not regulated. So that is the thing.  You can see here. It is written that  

cryptocurrency trading are not  illegal in India, but are unregulated  

as you guys know that if you are trading on the  stock market, you are trading with some broker.  

Suppose you are trading with Zerodha. You was  trading with Upstox or something like that.  

But these brokers are regulated. They're  regulated by SEBI. But here in cryptocurrencies,  

There are exchanges, I'll show you what are the  exchanges. But the problem is that these exchanges  

are not yet regulated. So you can start trading on  Bitcoin, but only invest the amount that you can  

afford to lose. Because as these exchanges are  unregulated, if you lose money, if the broker  

simply goes away with your money, you cannot  go someone and you can make a complaint.  

So that is the problem. You can make a complaint  against a stock broker with SEBI. But here,  

all the exchanges are unregulated and you cannot  make a complaint. So that is the issue. But still  

you can start trading on Bitcoin and why you'll  start trading in Bitcoin? I'll show you that.  

Now guys, let me show you the Bitcoin price now.  So Bitcoin is the most traded cryptocurrency all  

over the world. So that's why I'll just tell  you about how to start trading in Bitcoin and  

you can see guys the price of one Bitcoin equall  to 32,76112.70 Indian rupees. So that is huge.  

So guys, you can understand that Bitcoin is highly  priced, but historically it was not highly priced.  

So let me show you the maximum chart of  Bitcoin. You can see on 2015, Bitcoin was  

even below rupees 25,000 in India. On 27th November, 2015, it was coating at  

23,899 rupees, and now it is 32,76112.70  rupee. So you can understand the power  

at which the Bitcoin has multiplied. So you  can see the chart, the Bitcoin is rising,  

and this is the new era where you can start  investing in cryptocurrencies. It is not yet still  

late. So now Bitcoin is from 25,000 rupees. It is  more than 32 lakhs, but still it is not late. You  

can start trading on Bitcoin and you can make hell  lot of money. So now how will you start trading  

in the Bitcoins? So for that, I have written  a blog post on my website,,  

you can see, which are the best Bitcoin exchanges  in India. So this is the title of the blog post  

and don't worry, I'll give you the link of  this blog post on this video description.  

So from there, you can check how you can start  trading on Bitcoin. Simply you need to open  

account with a Bitcoin Exchange as in the stock  market you need to open an account here also,  

you need to open an account. So here you can  see, I have given some faq on Bitcoin trading.  

We have given frequently asked questions. Then we  have given the definition of the Bitcoin Exchanges  

and some famous Bitcoin Exchanges in India and we  have actually jotted down four exchanges. Number  

one is, If you are seeing the cricket  on Sony live, you have seen the advertisement  

of WazirX. So Is the number one Bitcoin  Exchange. Then we have given other exchanges also.  

So here you can see there is the link to visit  the And I'll also give you these links  

in the video description. So from there also, you can go to  

these exchanges, you can open an account  and you can start trading in Bitcoin.  

So after WazirX there are CoinDCX so you  can once again read about CoinDCX over here.  

So we have given some pros and cons.  There is the link to go to CoinDCX.  

So from here you can go to CoinDCX and you can  open an account. Then there is Bitbns, we have  

given details about Bitbns. We have given the link  to go to Bitbns. So then there is Coinbase. So  

I have written about Coinbase and also  I have given the link to go to Coinbase.  

So these four exchanges, all these four exchanges  are good, but my suggestion is that if you want  

to open an account really to start trading in  Bitcoin. You can start trading with WazirX.  

I don't worry, I'll give you link to all the  Bitcoin Exchanges in this video description.  

So from there you can go to these exchanges. You  can open an account and you can start trading  

in Bitcoin and guys, most of these exchanges are  giving free Bitcoin with account opening. So here,  

this is WazirX. Now I'll show you how to log  in there. I'll not show you the demo of Wazirx  

rather I'll show you how to log in there.  First, you need to sign up as I have already  

signed up. I'll just simply click on the log in  option and here by email and password is there  

and I'll click on login. So it will actually  send an OTP to my mobile. Let me check the OTP.  

Whether the OTP has come or not. Let  me check the OTP. I have got an OTP.  

So I have given the OTP. I'm clicking  on authenticate and you can see,  

I am logged to You can see here,  the chart of BTC (INR). This is one hour chart.  

Let me make it one week. Let me once  again, show you the power of Bitcoin.  

So guys, you can see how the Bitcoin has  increased in price. So you can see Bitcoin  

was trading at around six lakhs rupees and now  it is trading at 35 lakhs. So this is the power  

of Bitcoin trading. So you can see it was went up  more than above 50 lakhs. So now as it corrected.  

It is now coating around 35 lakhs. Still,  there are chances that you can make money  

by investing on Bitcoin. You can trade in  Bitcoin and why I'm suggesting using WazirX.  

Because WazirX, the charts are very good. They  are giving Tradingview charts and you can actually  

trade just like you are trading on the stock  market, like Zerodha, Upstox. You are trading  

with the stock brokers. Similarly, you can start  trading on Bitcoin, you can invest in Bitcoin.  

But one thing you need to make sure that you know  the rule that these brokers are unregulated.  

So that is that the risk associated with Bitcoin  trading. So guys later in a next video, I'll give  

you more demo about the WazirX Exchange. Now in  this video, I have just shown you, how to start  

trading on Bitcoin and I have given you name of  four Bitcoin Exchanges where you can open account.  

So guys, if you have liked this video, just give  me a thumbs up and also do not forget to share  

this video with your friends and relatives and  you can open account with all these exchanges.  

Account opening is free. You just need to  fund your account after you open account  

and most of the exchanges are giving free  Bitcoin with account opening. Now, guys,  

I'll give you the link of this account opening  with all the exchanges in the video description.  

So from there you can go there and you  can open account with them and guys,  

if you are not yet subscribed to me in Youtube,  do not forget to click the subscribe button and  

also do not forget to hit the bell icon. Because  I do come up with this kind of videos every week,  

at least once or twice. So if you are subscribed  to me, if you are subject to my alarts, so you  

will get next video notifications immediately.  So guys, you need to wait for my next video  

till then happy trading in Bitcoin. Open an  account with Bitcoin Exchanges. Start trading,  

start earning money. I wish you lots of luck  till I come up with the new video. Bye bye.

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