Thursday, December 16, 2021

Learn to Trade Options Chain | Option Chain Explained

 So welcome back guys, in today's class, once  again, I'll be taking you to the Learn app guys  

where they will teach you how to analyze the  option chain? And they will analyze the option  

chain using the free tools like NSE website, or  you can also do it from your Zerodha terminal.  

So guys, I'll take you to the Learn app class on  how to analyze the option chain like a pro and  

if you do not have the Zerodha account, because  they will take you to your Zerodha account. So if  

you do not have Zerodha account. I'll be leaving  the link to join Zerodha in the video description  

and also this is a free Learn app class. But Learn  app also has their own courses. So if you want to  

join Learn app courses, don't worry, I'll give  you the link to join Learn app courses also in  

the video description. So from there you can join  Learn app and you can get more information on  

trading. So guys I'll be taking you to the Learn  app class on how to analyze the option chain.  

But before that, if you are not yet subscribe  to me in Youtube, this is the time to subscribe  

to this channel first. ( Hit the bell  icon and subscribe tyo this channel)  

Hello guys, welcome to Learn app workshops. So  today we are going to look at a very interesting  

topic. It is one of my personal favorite and I use  it, use it regularly for trading that is option  

chain. So we will be looking at what options chain  is? And everything in the detail. So basically  

a quick start about Learn app. Guys Learn app  has around 250000 plus monthly active learners,  

just like you and me and there are around more  than 250 plus courses and live classes and yeah,  

everything is in a structured way. If you are a  trader investor, everything is structured and I  

guess if you are in this workshop You are into  trading or you're planning to be a trader. Yes,  

we have a very good structure for it and guys  know your mentor. I am Bharat I love options  

trading. I do love it like anything. And then if it all there is a risk management  

that's like, if it all is a holy grail in market  that is risk management and cutting losses. So  

most of you guys would have known what happened to  a IRTC. In the last one odd hours. So if at all,  

someone didn't cut their losses or booked small  losses and if, they had taken position intraday,  

then it would have been a bit dicey day for them  and yeah, guys, I'm a, I'm a learner like everyone  

and currently I'm learning all about machine  learning and guys about this workshop, it is  

a little advanced workshop that basically  we are, we are assuming you know, what  

options are? Because that will make the process  very easy. But still I will try to make it very  

simpler and then recording would be  provided and if it all, you have any doubts,  

you mark all attendees and panelists,  and there will be Q&A section at the end  

and Guys, this all other topics which we will  be looking at, it's all about option chain.  

Option chain in detail. So basically we would  be reseeing the construction of option chain.  

Then we will be reading option chain, identify  liquid stock trend position building bill  

using option chain and maybe smartly we will  like to take some trading decisions.  

So guys promise, you will know what option  chain is by the end of this workshop and  

that's all and also this is a standard  disclaimer. That's like charts shown  

here are for educational purpose and please  don't take anything as trade recommendation.  

We completely believe in this code that is  like, give a man a fish. You feed him for a day,  

teach a man to fish. You feed him for a lifetime  and guys. Are you excited? It's my favorite topic  

and I should see Chat's roaring and if at all,  if it all you how a notebook pen in your hand,  

please take a note of it. It would be  very useful in your trading career.  

Yes. Great guys. So guys, first of all, this  is the explanation of option chain. But yeah,  

I will just, mybe, t to, try to say  what exactly it is? An option chain.  

No, I'm not. So guess what are the two  types of options available. You guys can  

actually text and tell in the chat box, two  types of options which are available.  

Call, Put ,Yes. Great. That's great. So what  we'll do is like one side, we will put as Call  

the other other side we will put us Put. So we  know right any underlying we take with Nifty,  

Bank nifty or any F&O stocks. There are multiple  strick price, multiple contracts. So for example,  

in our case, let's take a stock. Stock can be X,  Y, Z, which is trading at a 10. Just an example.  

There would be multiple, which is trading at  15. So there would be multiple strick price  

10, 20, 30, 40, sorry, 40 50 or 60. So let's  assume now it's trading at 30. So basically  

what happens is the current strip,  which is trading at 30.  

So this is the script which is  trading at 30. So 30 would be  

ATM. I believe this is something which we  know. We, we are assuming we know this and  

for call, this would be ITM. For put,  this would be ITM and this would be OTM.  

So by the way, this is how an option chain is  constructed. Basically. It's very simple. One  

side it's Call one side it's Put and all the  strick price are in between, and the price,  

which is trading that is an ATM. It is, this  is actually an option chain, which we ourselves  

have done it. So then what we will do is,then what  we will do is, so guys, if at all this talk is  

for, like, for example, in this  option, chain 30 is the ATM.  

We need to know two things. What is  the price of the contract, right?  

What is the price of the contract and what is  the open interest built? So first understand  

the price of the option premium price. That's  basically, if you if you are planning to buy  

for 30 and if at all 30 is trading LTP. We call it  LTP last traded price. Last traded prices around  

let's say 100. To make it a bit easier. So if it  is 100 with wont be have it. Let's make it 14.  

So if it is a 40, that is called LTP. That's like  current treding price. So withso is that okay? One  

sec, I'm getting some messages. That's like the  slate lift on yours. What happened? Sorry. Okay  

okay guys. Okay. So we need to see the pricing  option pricing. So that will be seen by LTP  

and then we also look at another  criteria that is Open Interest.  

So what is Open Interest? We will look at  what Open Interest is. Open Interest is the  

number of positions built in the market. That's  basically, there are two for any contact to build.  

There are two players, that's like an option buyer  and a seller. When both of them come together,  

one position is built, and this would also be  mentioned here. So basically in the option chain,  

which we have done, we saw there  is two sites, a call and the put,  

and then we saw ATM would be middle and then the  all strick price laid out, then there would be two  

things which would be looking at for put say.  That would be an LTP and for for call center,  

there would be an LTP. Then there would  be a OI here and Open Interest here. So,  

so yes, so basically this is how this is the  complete option chain, which we are actually  

looking at and how How does this look like?  

So this, this looks like something like this.  So basically this is something the NSE site.  

I have put the NSE site also there. So can you see  this particular area where the option contracts  

name is, for example, if it is  a Nifty, Bank-Nifty, Fin Nifty,  

it would be mentioned here. If it is the symbol,  that's basically any F&O symbol like HDFC Bank,  

Relience or anything, which would be here and  then options come with an expiring. That's  

basically if it is a weekly option every Thursday  or the if at all, there is a holiday on Thursday,  

it would be the previous day and if it  is a monthly, last Thursday of the month  

would be the expiry date and then comes the  strick price.Strick price is this particular  

thing, which we saw right. This 10, 20, 30, 40, 50  60 in our option chain, which we can constructed.  

So this is how this is, this was a basic nifty's  option chain. So there are a lot of other things  

let's understand what are they? And let's try to  make sense out of it. So guys, so far any doubt,  

okay. That's great.  

That's, that's great. That's great. So guys,  if you can see in this option chain we can  

see this call put, and then there is this  strick price thing and for example, on sec,  

for example, here, nifty is trading at 18,500.  So this particular area, this 2R near ATM. So  

this is ATM. This is ITM. This is ITM. This  yellowish color is ITM for call, ITM for put,  

and this is OTM for put. This is OTM for call. So,  hen we saw, he LTP. LTP is the last traded price.  

That's basically, wat was the last price?  The buyer and seller agreed and if at all,  

one buyer and seller agreed that comes  to this OI. OI is open interest. So then,  

canging OI is also mentioned here. Changing OI  is nothing but, wat was the change? If at all,  

there was 10 position yesterday. What is the change in OI today? So it can be  

positive or it can be negative. Can you see, there  is a positive side here and there is a negative  

side here. Then comes volume. Volume and OI  kind of looks similar. But OI builds on like the  

position. For the, every thing. That's like, there  is one expiry date. Every OI would be different.  

That's basically not different. Every time the OI  will stack up. That's basically new position is  

built up. The OI will increase. But volume is not.  So concrete, like OI. It tells on intraday basis.  

But it's like if at all this option had a hundred  volume today. Tomorrow again, it will start from  

zero, but open interest is not that case. If it  has a hundred contracts today and tomorrow, if a  

new contract is added, that's like open interest  this goes up 101,102. It will go like this.  

Then comes IV. IV is implied volatility,for  now, let's not get into it currently.  

We wouldn't be using it and then comes  ask like bid quantity, bid price,  

ask price, ask quantity. So bid quantity  is how much quantity someone is, someone is  

interested to buy for and what is the price  they want to buy for? So it would be very  

near to LTP. If it is very far from LTP,  then it means this is not a liquid option.  

Then comes ask price ask quantity. That basically  means how much someone is actually, someone is  

asking, asking for someone, is selling for someone  is buying for. So bid ask is that and that's  

exactly replicate replicated in put site also. So  this is the basic construction of option, a option  

chain. So from this, we can make a lot of sense.  So guys in this, for example, in call site, which  

option has a lot of which contract, for example,  which contract has a lot of position built.  

Okay. Selvi asked, can you explain the volume? A  volume is basically how many options were traded  

for that day. For example, today is a 19th  October right. If at all hundred people had  

got ptions today, it would be hundred. But OI  will like, OI will continue for days, two days.  

Okay. So yes, you guys are right.  Most of you guys said in 18,500,  

most contract is built. That is like 84,854 and  in put side. What is the maximum contract built?  

You guys can drop it in chat. What is the use  of volume in analysis? We'll ask. Volume plays a  

prevital role that's that's like if It all you are  a option trader, or if you are an intraday trader,  

if it all there is a lot of volume that  basically means people are interested.  

So with, th open interests, you can  actually add another layer volume,  

but that gets a bit complicated. For  now just see two major things that is  

price and OI, maybe once you master this price  and OI part add volume to your filter also.  

Okay. Jayanti says, please explain Open  Interest. Okay. Jayanti Open Interest  

is nothing but nothing, but how many  contracts are built? That's basically  

for example, 18,500 is the strick price and let's  assume there is no OI at all and if it at all,  

I want to, I want to get one strick, one contract  of 18,500. What I will do is I will place a  

bid. That is basically, I will say I am, I want  the one lot of nifty is 50. I will say, I want one  

lot of nifty. For say 102 and if it at all, one  seller comes in and the order gets filled. That  

basically means one contract is built and that  one particular contract is called open interest.  

So one open interest is built. So Jayanti is  the part OI is clear. Okay. Then Nivas asked,  

can we use OI to trade intraday, if possible. Can you explain to this fall in nifty or  

IRCTC? Nivas yes. We, I, I personally use  open interest also as a criteria. That's  

not the only criteria. I layer it with other  thing and then I use it for my trades also  

sometimes,mostly are intraday. If you're getting  into OI when income, so option, for sure.  

You can. Okay. Krishna asks, how does one find out  if particulars strick price in CE, PE of longs or  

short based on OI and OI changes? Yes, we  will. We will check,Krishna. We will come  

to that also and then I, okay. Snehasish, says  IEX also sharp fall in the last 20 minutes. Yes.  

sir, please continue with  that. Oky sure Aditya  

We will do that and I guess if it all there is  any other questions, we'll take it at the end.  

Also guys, first as like identifying  liquid state, liquid scripts. So guys,  

what does this liquid script means? Anylike  if you guys don't know it, maybetype No  

or no. Okay. Let me tell you what is liquid  script is? Basically if I want to get into  

an option and I play as a buy order, and then if  there is no sell, then that would be a problem,  

right? This particular thing is called liquidity.  Liquidity. Basically, if you get into the market  

or you should be having enough of buyers and  sellers together, and that is how we find that is  

how we say, this is a liquid script, or non-liquid  script a non-liquid script. So basically we,  

we just look at,the bid ask spread. So what is bid-ask spread? We in our option  

chain. We saw right on sec. In our option chain,  we saw,we saw right. The price here is 78.90  

and there is a next ask price of 79. So  it is just in 20 paisa difference. Thats  

fine.Lot Size of nifty is 50. So that's not a  problem. But if it all stock, like for example,  

IEX or something, for which the bid prices is, bit  price is say hundred, and the ask price is 110,  

that means you are already losing 10 points and  the Lot size of IEX is 1250 just getting into that  

contract, you are making a loss of 12,000 rupees.  So this is a very critical thing. Most of us like,  

even when I started, I used to trade a lot in  illiquid script to understand I made mistakes.  

Then I relearned and did this. So what what  generally we should look at this? We should  

look at the bid price for both bid and ask price.  If it all the thing is very near, then it is a  

good liquid script. This is one way, the another  way is by looking at chart. So let's basically,  

let's try to look at some chart and find what this  is one sec. I will try to share my screen.  

So for example, this is my terminal  and let's say TATA Motors  

Okay. Let's say I have TATA Steel.  

TATA Steel Which is currently  trading at 13,000, sorry, 1,366.  

If you just go look at this chart. So basically  you can go to lesser timeframe, maybe 10 minutes,  

five minutes. Can you see if it is little smoother  comparatively. So this basically gives us a rough  

understanding that there's a lot of trading  activity, which is actually happening here,  

but if at all, let's try to go a little  deep in the money or out of the money and  

check how the liquidity or spread is. That's  basically what we'll do is we'll go to 1600 CE  

for October expiry. Again,since it  is an October expiry, there is a lot  

of,thing which is happening. But if you  go here, can you see there is a lot of,  

p and downs and there is a lot of gaps. So  this actually means there is no liquidity at  

that point of time and if at all, you're getting  into any script. If you see this kind of model,  

that basically means, his is not  an ideal script to enter.  

Okay. That's great. So Debasish is, is  your doubt clear? I guess it's the same.  

Okay. J&K what makes OI to go to  negative value OI or OI change?  

If it is OI change, OI change can go to negative  value. Okay. Deepak okay. When you searched on  

Zerodha, please repeat. So, okay. This is my  Zerodha terminal and I am finding the script like  

currently in Tata steel, which is trading at  1366. I'm going little away, thats like, I'm going  

to the 1600 CE and in 1600 CE, I'm going little  behind to see,,maybe around 2nd, 3rd of September  

and this is what, this is how the screen looked  like. That's basically there was,no liquidity at  

all. Can you see, there is a gap that's basically  there was no trading happening and suddenly price  

going up down. So this is happening because of  there is like no fill in the order. That's like  

someone is bidding, someone is asking, but they  are far apart. They bought the RM limit orders.  

So it is not happening and that's how we  identify illiquid,looking at the charts.  

Yes, because it is OTM.See TATA Steel Is a very  good. It's a very liquid liquid script. Maybe if  

at all, you find some script. So guys in F&O, you  guys reversal and tell Which script all you trade?  

Okay. Ajay, actually, this is a candlestick chart.  But basically why it is like this? Is because this  

this perticular type it was very illiquide.  So the candelstick looks very choppy.  

So that's the, that's the very  thing. That's very interesting thing.  

Okay, guys, I is there, is there any audio  issues which someone has pointed out?  

No, that's great. That's great. Thank, thank you  guys. Thank you guys. So guys by this weekend, we  

can identify the liquidity of the script  for sure. If you are trading at TATA Steel,  

it, it is a little liquid script, comparatively.  

Any, anything from Tata is basically  a bit liquid I'm trying to find.  

Okay. So this is how it looks. So let's go to  our PPT and understanding that next thing.  

That's basically the very part which most of you  guys are waiting for. So we saw OI and LTP in our  

option chain, which we made and with the help of  these two metrics, we will say to identify the  

direction of the trend. So guys a quick yes.  If you guys are excited to look about it,  

that's great. So, yes. So guys it's actually  really simple and I will also tell you  

how I took one trade, maybe in my Zerodha  terminal. It is still there. I will, o,  

it's like I have booked my profits, but yeah,  that particular trade was actually taken, or  

showing something to you. But yeah, it  actually worked out. So when we, when we see,  

when we see the price, which is going up and also  the open interest, which is going up, so basically  

what is happening, the price of the option is  going up of options or also in future.  

But this time we are looking at options,  the price is going up, it's soaring high  

and open interest is getting built. So that  basically means long buildup. That assumes people  

are expecting the market to go up and when for  that, that can happen for any strick price.  

But prefer like if at all, it is an ATM, it is  really good and when long buildup really happens,  

what happens is like almost everything would  be a long buildup, long buildup everywhere  

and when it is okay, then we will see the  short side of it. That's basically when  

open interest is rising and prices falling.  That basically means someone is assuming  

the price is going to fall and they're building  their positions of short. So that basically means  

short buildup and then comes long unwinding. We  saw, right. Someone build that position after  

the point of time they need to book profits. So what they do is they try to book a profit when  

they feel it is overpraised or then they, when  they have met their targets. And suddenly you  

will see, you will see this board falling that's  basically it was going up. Even this will fall.  

Even this will fall. OI to see this in our option  chain also, when this falls, that clearly means  

this position is getting squired of. OI is also  going down. So that means long unwinding is  

happening. The people who have long options or on  that particular strick price, they are exiting,  

they are booking their profits. So then comes  short covering show the shorts, which were built.  

So that, that also needs to be booked, right?  So,suddenly the price cuts going up and the OI  

startS falling.So that is what the short covering  means short covering. So basically,guys write  

down this and if at all, you just, nderstand this  process a lot. You can make a lot of difference.  

So that basically means short  covering. So guys, this, is these four  

things clear? Long buildup long unwinding  and short covering and short buildup.  

Okay. Price of the underlaying.  Okay. When it comes to,  

if you are just looking at futures data,  maybe you can look at a futures thing. Here,  

you can look at this calls price up and put price  up. To identify this particular strike price going  

up or down and also you can you can look at the  underlying data also. So both ways are fine.  

I,, if at all, I am doing a positional basis. I  look at the underlying and open interest bill,  

if at all I am doing intraday I do this and  I select a strike price accordingly.  

How does open interest helps? So yes, open  interest alone doesn't help. It needs to be  

combined with price to make a interpretation.  That's basically in this part, we see open  

interest is going up and prices going up that  clearly means people are going long in the market.  

And there is one more thing. We saw this whole  option chain. This whole option chain if it is  

basically we have two participants by  Buyer and seller, and this all option  

chain is looked in the perspective of  sellers and why sellers? Anyone.  

Okay. Manjunath says, can you please  show an example of how you choose  

price based on OI? Okay. Yes. I will show you  that, okay. Vinay says sellers, how more risk?  

Yes. The first thing is sellers have more risk  and the second part is selling has a lot of  

probabilities to it. That's basically  they make money most of the time  

and then time DK like, we need Greek Greek  factors. And if a told smart money wants to go  

long, they will prefer future because of the  Delta. Delta is positive plus one in futures.  

But in options, it is very less, that's the very  reason of option chain. Most of us look through  

a seller's perspective and in sellers perspective  it makes a lot of sense. So now,now we understood  

how to look at an option chain that basically  we should look it in the view of seller.  

So if it is there is a 100 positions, builds here  or else 1000 position build here, and if it all,  

that is a 10 position in the put site. So what can  happen? So this is the question guys. You can drop  

in a comment and tell if it all in this particular  option chain at 30strike price. There are 1000  

people in call site and there are 10 people in put  site. What can happen? Market can fall market can  

fall. Yes, market will fall, fall sure, and that  is what option chain tells. Option chain users,  

This particular age, this age is what helps  us a lot, and if at all, the reverse happen,  

that is basically there is like this 10 and if  at all, that is 1000. So what will happen now?  

So now that he was bullish, moving the  market. So exactly this is what happened,  

and then when we see the change in OI with  the with the OI and LTP and change in OI,  

that basically gives us an age of,how much,like  how much unwinding is happening and stuff,  

slang,things like that. So that's what  exactly what happened in IEX yesterday.  

So IEX yesterday was screaming, bullish. So what  happened is,for example, I, I will open the,  

So basically I saw IEX I  will open the open interest.  

So this is IEX option chain  where we can see on sec.  

Okay. Pratush says, can you recommend some tools  that can help identify the intraday position  

built? For sure. Yes. We will look at that also,  but this in itself gives a very good edge. That's  

basically NSE website. This website, you can go  and see what is currently happening? And almost  

all the software, be it, any other third parties  offer, they have a lag of some time, but NSE is  

NSE gives the exact exact thing. So here, if  you can see in open interest and chang in open  

interest, people people have actually existing  from here. So that was, that was actually seen  

very well in live market and that's how,that's how  we, we kind of make sense that,the price can, that  

can be a small profit booking, which can actually  happen and yesterday what happened was,there was,  

lng buildup which clearly happened. That's basically what happened is  

earlier. It was 1000 from 1000 yesterday itself,  by the end, that's the last 15, 20 minutes,  

this thousand turn to 20, 30, like like  that it came very less, and,with this logic,  

I, I tried,I did a assumption. This was one with  it. I combined the other things. That's basically  

price action, other data points. And I  took this trade on IEX. So basically this  

was my position and it was like a 10 minute  state quickly. This was a learning trade,  

which I wanted to show for you. But fortunately  it works, and this is not the case, lways which  

happens in market. So market can do anything  crazy. So this is not to be expected in market,  

but yeah. If you have this particular  sense, that's like what long buildup is?  

What short buildup is? What market is doing?  You will get a different age over things.  

So guysdo you have, Okay. How to identify the  sudden fall in advance? Like it happened in IEX  

okay. Sure Selvi then okay advance in  IEX basically when the fall is happening,  

you just look at the change in open interest.  If at all, there is a change in open interest.  

If there is a high change in open interest,  the position builds in a building market  

is getting reduced drastically in one site.  The whole thing will look very skewed. So if  

it is very skewed, that clearly means there is  something very big, which is about to happen  

and maybe you should have a look at the  option chain when you are, if at all,  

you are trading intra day and when you trade  intraday, ou should be looking at which side,  

the, it just who vales smart money is, and  that will give you in tip. Even in IRCTC.  

The same thing was actually absorbed that's  basically, efore, like just before two minutes  

before the price was actually falling. Option  chain told that, tt is something wrong.  

Okay. Okay. I mean, which  part you want to understand?  

Okay. One sec.  

So yes, this is the board. So basically  what happened is there were one sec. I will,  

I will just clear this a bit.  

What happened in IEX? And executive  with this process, You guys can do alot.  

So for example, this is ATM. I mostly look at ATM  and also what's happening in OTM and ITM also,  

but,mostly ITMs how liquidity liquidity  issues,because of the bid-ask spread.  

So what happened is in IEX that ATM site  place initially had 1000 quantity. This, this,  

this is just a reference number, but suddenly when  the market was going, this 1000 started reducing,  

this is OI, open interest. This open interest  was reducing some 1000, it becomes 600 from 600,  

it become 100. So this, this clearly  means there is something very wrong.  

Okay and this was a reason behind IEX going  up. That's basically you guys said it right  

before. Sometimes that's basically all the  writers were exhibiting. That basically means  

IEX is about to go up. It's about to give breakout  

and identifying this pattern in data can give  you all an extra edge? So that is what a IEX did.  

IEX did from yesterday and today it  hits the upper serkit. And by the end,  

when it was starting to fall, what happened is  the same thing happened in put site. So basically  

put the ATM was 1000. So before the fall, it  started falling down, that's basically when 200  

that basically 600, 100 and suddenly when it falls  like that, that basically means there is something  

wrong and price can go down and that exactly is  what happened in IEX. Is this part clear?  

So a quick  

subject, yes. It was a, it is a  long and unwinding, which happened.  

Can we predict market fall or job jump in for next  day using OI? So basically don't do,ee if at all,  

you are interested, never go naked in market. I'll  always, o option spreads. So basically, tat is,  

there is one interesting goes in learn app from,  sesibilize founder, Abd Hussan. So he teaches us  

how to actually, iniiate splits in market, andthe  detail about what option chain ar?. So this is  

the course, so I will never recommend anyone of  you guys to go naked, always follow , and maybe,  

maye after a point of time, when you gain enough  experience, maybe if you are in market for  

eight, 10 years and your shoulder about the market  direction, maybe you can do anything, but if not,  

never go naked, naked means buying a single leg.  That's basically, if you are wearing this call  

that is called naked, but if you wake up and you  sell a higher call so that you define your risk,  

that is called spreads. So, so tat, that is  something which we all should be doing.  

Okay. Jitin yes, I did took a naked position, but  that was because I was super sure about what I was  

doing and also I had a proper risk defined. So I  follow my risk management like anything and if at  

all, a market has taught me a hard way that if at  all, I don't follow risk or maybe I have blown up  

account in my past. That's the very reason we all  grow, right. We all traders, we know the stages of  

traders. So that's the reason I say, if at all,  you're new in market, never go naked and even I  

personally don't go naked at all. Very few times  when when I am super sure I have a structure to my  

trades. That's basically I taketake the complete  technical analysis technical or charter saying,  

then I look at indicators and then I look at  data. Data is like one major data is option chain,  

which I look at along with it. When I combine this  all I make trades. So,o that's the thing and if  

you want to learn technical analysis, so this is  the, this is the course. It is from CMT Vishal,  

Metta himself, who is actually teaching  what technical analysis is, and then about  

indicators you can learn here and also one more  good news. That's basically this course, a more  

courses are actually getting added in a very  list pack. So there's a lot happening here.  

One sec. So let's, we, we saw that in chart and  so guys, there's a quick recap about what we  

saw. Let's try to digest this only me for saw the  construction of option chains. We saw two types of  

options are there a call option and a put option.  Then comes , the actually comes the underlying.  

Then we saw,OI, LTP the price. Then we saw reading  and option chain. That's basically what LTP is?,  

What ask bid spread is?, hose all criteria in  option chain. Then we saw how to identify liquid  

stock. Then we saw a trend of the underlying  that's basically. If at all, there is 1000 here,  

that basically means there can be a market to go  away. It can be bit difficult and there should be  

someone want to force to break it and when things  starting liquid things start to break this. That  

is when the trend actually changes that basically  gives us the position built thing, long buildup,  

short buildup, long unwinding, short  covering. Everything would be seen with this  

option chain. Then we saw a trading decision.  If at all there is a long buildup, we can go for  

long spreads and if at all there is a short  buildup, we can go for a bearish spread. So  

I will not recommend anyone going naked. So guys that comes to a end of this workshop,  

like end of this workshop, and also as always, the  end is just the beginning of new world of trading.  

So if at all, you have learned something. If  you just move, what option chain is? Start  

applying what you learn, maybe make note of what  long buildup, what short buildup, long unwinding  

everything is and then do absorb this in live  market for some days and don't put all your money  

tomorrow. Trading is very risky do check on your  risk management part and also if at all, you need  

additional edge about what options are and want  to know everything about options. Maybe refer this  

segment that's basically from basics of option,  basics of options to do the strangle and straddle  

and this goes for short. So this all will give you  a perspective of what options completely is.

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