Saturday, May 26, 2012

Parsi by-polls: 1,780 voters turn up to elect new trustee

Nearly 1,780 Parsis showed up to vote for a new trustee of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) at Byculla’s Rustom Baug on Sunday, amidst a skirmish between supporters of two candidates at the venue. The BPP, the apex administrative body of the Parsi community, is conducting a by-election to fill a seat in its seven-member board of trustees after Noshir Dadrawala resigned from the board in March.
On Sunday, supporters of candidate Muncherji Cama alleged that another candidate, Anahita Desai, had served lunch to several voters and then hit out at a photographer taking pictures of it. A general canteen is open to all voters and candidates are not allowed to serve food on voting days, Dinshaw Mehta, BPP chairman said.
Desai claimed she was not breaking any rules.
“The lunch was for some of my supporters who had come from Gujarat to vote,” said Desai, who represents the World Alliance of Parsi Irani Zarthoshtis.
“We did not appreciate the other party taking a video of this, so there was a little skirmish.”

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